The Good Times Hash

Run #1073, October 23, 2006

Hare:  Dr WHO

Location:  Good Times Pub, Rt 114, Cumberland

Weather:  50's Clear

Present:  Amish It Head, Great at Giving Head, Candy Kaner, Justin My Ass, Eenie Weenie Dick, Bondo Jovi, Async, WIPOS, Ben.


The Run:

Run #1073 was the first of the gentle, attractive (Bondo excluded), good time hashes for the RIH3. With a good number of the group halfway around the world at the Interhash we finally had some peace and quiet. Plus with the reduced number of wankers we had a better female to male ratio, even though Candy Kaner was still the only attending harriette.

Was the fact that this hash started at “Good Times” pub a coincidence? I think not!

Trail led east out across 114 and into the neighborhood on Phillip Ave. Phillip merged into Pequot Ave and the first check was encountered at Hines Rd. Async blazed north with Amish , Candy Kaner and G@GH following not far behind. The others? WHO cares! A second check was encountered at Waumsett Ave and Amish following north with cohorts G@GH and Candy Kaner. Good times, good times. Asnyc found true trail east into the woods, and soon enough all followed.

A little bush whacking occurred to get the group to the powerlines, with true trail (and Async ) leading us southeast. After a bit another check showed up, with straight leading east toward’s Miller’s River, and southeast leading into……..well, parts of Miller’s River, although this part was more swamp-like. Amish was the first dummy to proceed through the swamp, although we have to admit that it was a gentle, attractive and well-mannered swamp. Good times, good times. Continuing along the powerlines he passed a guy drinking a beer on a dirtbike, and calling “on-on” assumed that others were in close pursuit. At the next check he went left, eastward and uphill. This proved to be a pretty long false trail, but turning his light out he managed to sucker Eenie Weenie Dick and Justin My Ass there as well. By the time the three stooges made it back to true trail the rest had caught up, and passed, continuing along the powerlines. WHO knows where Candy Kaner, WIPOS, Bondo or Async were. Actually, WHO might have known.

Another check has us turning farther east into an area of woods that reminded more than one of the Blair Witch Project. Trail marks ended. Random cars showed up. Ends up we were on the outskirts of a junkyard, makes sense. After running around in circles for a bit someone managed to find a trail mark heading southward toward the quarry. With Async leading the way the group finally managed to make it to a large boulder, the top of which was the beer check. Good times, good times!

The hare brought hot nuts, 60min IPA and some pretty damn Oatmeal Stout, although Bondo wouldn’t admit it. A few songs were sung, but mainly the group enjoyed the silence. The wonderful, wonderful silence. And just as they came, the group left – back down the boulder and onto the trail that brought them in.

Despite a trail leading back to the cars that encompassed about 80% bushwhacking, everyone continued on with high spirits. How could we not? Ending up on the powerlines, and then Indiana Ave and Colonial Ave a quick trip was made back to Good Times via 114.

With nighttime already upon us and a chill in the air the attractive, gentle group rounded up some beer and headed into the woods. Comments on the run included “No Fuwangi. No Basket . No Dry Foot.” Need we say more? Mathematical total: +69!!! Hashit went to G@GH for bringing Ben back with us to the cars. With Bondo back in the woods this was his chance to encounter the front end of a high-speed vehicle. Boo on G@GH . The group proceeded up to Tucks and had a pretty kick-ass dinner despite an unusually large crowd. Good times, good times.


On On

Amish It Head