Handy Pond Hash

Run #1160, June 23, 2008

Hare:  Dr W.H.O.

Location:  Lincoln

Weather:  Intermittent Rain, lightning, High 80's.

Present:   Let’s F**’n Eat, Amish It Head, Async, Basket Boom Boom, WIPOS, Bondo Jovi, Ben.

The Run:
Starting a hash from a middle school is best left to Summer when the little ones and their suspicious parents are playing at the beach on vacation. So the hare took advantage of the opportunity of the end of school and the first hash of Summer to start from the North Lincoln Middle School in an underutilized area just east of Rt 99, near the parking area of the bike path. With rain early on, and threatened lightning, it was ideal hashing weather. Nevertheless, only a small crowd appeared; more beer for the rest. At 6:30, they were off, heading south on New River Road.

The pavement was an unpleasant necessity, and didn't last too long. A check sent them west on Mussey Brook to Old River Road, and they soon entered the woods along the banks of Handy Pond. A check sent Bondo between the ponds, the rest found true trail along the east bank of the pond. Some decent shiggy was soon entered, although the rains had only moistened the surface of the dried mud. Another dry RI Spring was to blame. Async and Amish led, followed by Basket, while the hare and WIPOS trailed along behind. True trail crossed a small stream at the south end of the pond, and turned west into a maze of dirt bike trails.

The group was widely spread out as they came to some powerlines. Basket decided to try the lines north. There was no trail this way, but there was some shiggy. Async, and LFE continued on true trail, which looped south, then west to parallel Rt 99, turning back north. WIPOS followed the hare. He had forgotten cabfare. Finally, by shortcutting and blind luck(?) Basket found Bondo. Must be animal magnetism. They missed the true trail arrow that led into the shooting range, but ultimately were guided to the beer check by Async and LFE. The hare had learned his lesson, though, and the beer was not found.

The hare and WIPOS finally arrived and the beer was produced. The Beer Check was on a large flat rock with a central fireplace, some rough log benches and artfully strewn garbage. It was lovely. Some light rain completed the ambience as the beer and spiced peanuts were distributed. A few songs were sung, but lacking the inspiration of bimbos, visitors, or virgins, this did not last long. They packed up and headed on out.

One would think that the trail on-in would have been straightforward. In fact it was. This is what confused Basket and Async. They led the pack well off mark, and basically circled the pond counterclockwise. The hare walked the trail and came out to lead north on Old River Road to a gas pipeline that turned back in (through some nice shiggy) towards the School. The beer for the circle had been stashed in some bushes on the pipeline overlooking the School. They gathered by a large "C". When all had finally arrived, they circled up.

Ratings for the run: favorable weather, some shiggy and near losses of the pack on the on-in trail were measured against the lack of bimbos, the lack of powerline lightning strikes, the pavement and the fact that Bondo made it to the BC. Total:-6.9! Hashit was given to Basket for leading the pack on a wild goose trail while assuring everyone that he knew these trails like the back of his hands. Finishing up, they drove to Pitcher's Pub on Manville Road for some fine microbrews and decent food.

On On