Midway to Nowhere Hash

Run #1171, September 8, 2008

Hare:  Wee Balls and Just Matt

Location:  Midway, Arcadia.

Weather:  High 70's, clear.

Present:   Dr WHO, WIPOS, Bondo Jovi, Amish It Head, Async, Oozing SD, Basket Boom Boom (late). Visitor: Baaa (Seoul H3).

The Run:

The hash started at the Midway parking area in Arcadia. Not exactly virgin territory, but at least a virgin co-hare. We must count our blessings where we find them. The hare marked an arrow that led the pack across 165 to the south.


Trail entered the woods. The pack was together as they looped east and up a large hill. South again, and then turning back west down the hill to the first crossing of the Wood River. Baaa was impressed. Async and WHO led early; some poor choices put Oozing in the lead. Basket was just arriving. He never crossed the road and blundered about the slopes of Mt Tom for a while.


A second river crossing was found. Baaa became upset. There are no rivers in Korea, apparently. The pack came to the fields and pine grove just south of the Mt Tom parking area. Async decided to try north. Amish and Oozing took a hint from the hares and continued to Mt Tom Rd, turning south. WHO ran back and forth for a while. WHO needs his exercise. Bondo had given up by this point and headed back to his truck for a beer. Baaa and WIPOS followed the hares.


Eventually, trail was found on the north side of Parris Brook, continuing west. It was obvious at this point that the BC would be on the cliffs that make up the southern end of Mt Tom. And in fact, the beer was found and opened. WHO and WIPOS straggled in to find beer, a lovely view, and NO Basket, NO Bondo and NO Async! Doesn’t get much better that that! Songs were sung, and even Wee Balls was on key for once.


Beer finished, they continued on the trail, northwest along the ridge and back to Rt. 165. Flashlights were needed by this point, and when the hares tried to direct them to true trail in the woods to the north, Oozing and WHO decided against it, and ran east on the road, leading the rest of the pack. They arrived in the lot to find Bondo, and Async being forced to listen to Basket’s usual tale of bushwhacking, briars and bullshite.


Circling up, the run was rated. Good river shiggy, scenic beer stop with NO Basket, NO Bondo and NO Async. Total: 6.9! The visitor was interrogated and punished. The co-hare was named with assistance from the hare: Florence Wallbanger. Hashit went to Bondo, for abandoning trail and not sharing his beer. And, really, for showing up at all. Finishing up, they went on to the Black River Inn.

On On