All Roads Lead to Rome Point Hash

Run #1176, Oct 13, 2008

Hare:  Dr WHO

Location:  Rome Point, North Kingston.

Weather:  50's, clear.

Present:   Cumsocket To Me, Just MJ, Just Kathy, Async, Florence Wallbanger, Basket Boom Boom, Oozing SD, Fuwangi Boner, Just Haines, Wee Balls. Visitor: Good Pie Hunting (Newport H3).

The Run:

Another brilliant trail, most likely to be rated...Hash of the Year! The hare started from the Rome Point Parking area just north of 138 on Rt 1A, at the sight of a previous winter run from Amish. But it was nearly all virgin territory nevertheless. The trail started off well: a few hundred yards to a right turn, and a crossing of some thigh-to-waist high mud, soon followed by briars. The screams and squeals of Cumsocket To Me were most gratifying. Basket and Oozing didn’t want to get wet. They found the thicker briars, and paid the price for dry legs in blood.


Trail was one long bushwhack on deer paths, southeast, then east. A few checks were easily mastered, but the slow going kept the group pretty much together as they made their way out to a dirt road. This check had them fooled a bit. It led to the shore, where it turned out that the marks on the beach were invisible in the waning light. Flobanger finally found his way to an arrow leading back from the water to a check on the powerlines.


Basket had caught up by now, but Good Pie Hunting could be heard (“RU??!”) way off in the distance. Too bad for him! If Newporters keep showing up, less beer for the rest of us. Trail was found and lost, found and lost again in a maze of scrub pine trails. They headed northwest and ultimately came out on the path to the point. If you were hare, wouldn’t you have wanted your beer stop out on the point? Scenic vistas, seals on the rocks, a gentle fall breeze, high tide, and all. The long falsie out to the point worked most satisfactorily. Especially for Async, Basket and Wee Balls. Hash of the Year!


True trail led west along the shoreline, and then, at a check turned into a salt marsh and the beer check. Despite the early arrivals opening the beer and peanuts, Just Haines and then Basket tried to keep going past the group, but were called back by Oozing. Bad Oozing! Hashit material, obviously. Eventually, even Good Pie Hunting made it in, and the songs started.


Finishing up, trail continued west. They came to the remnants of the railroad bridge across the improbably-named Wannuchecomecut Brook. A check sent some across, but the hare led down into a salt marsh. Trail lingered just long enough to keep the feet wet, then turned left into briars and another bushwhack. Flobanger and Fuwangi led, and they came back to the main trail. There were a few checks and falsies, but the group eventually found their way south and back to the start.


The circle was formed in the woods adjoining the parking area. No pavement, fresh water swamp and two salt marshes, briars and briars and briars, no Bondo, and three bimbos! Run of the Year! But jealousy is a green-eyed monster and the rating: -0.69! The visitor was punished, the two-timers were brought into the circle again (and again, that weird Tonga song!), and the Hashit was given back to Oozing. Finishing up, they headed for the Oak Hill Tavern Steak Fry. Another perfect ending for the best candidate so far for... Hash of the Year!

On On