Presidents On Ice Hash

Run #1194, Feb 16, 2009

Hare:  Async

Location:  Big River.

Weather:  30's, Clear.

Present:   Wee Balls, Mouthful, Dr WHO, Bondo Jovi, Oozing SD, Florence Wallbanger, Basket Boom Boom, Fuwangi Boner, Amish It Head, Numb Nuts, Retard, Rusty, Donkey Punch, Pubic Housing, Ben.

The Run:

Async finally returned as hare. And where else but Tarbox Pond in the Big River Management area. Although clear, ice was plentiful. As Amish soon found out, heading northeast and downhill. Trail turned southeast, then northeast again, then north along the shore of Tarbox Pond.  Finally, they crossed a small stream well north of the pond. A check led to a turn back south, and WHO was first to cross the dam east back to the grinning hare, and crossing the “In” trail.


Next, they continued east through a frozen swamp. Trail led uphill to find the BC at an overlook.  The hare had instructed them to look for the beer 10ft to the right of the “B”. No one could find it. Numb Nuts was missing, then showed up. No Donkey Punch, and more importantly, no Pubic Housing.


On Back trail took an unnecessary northeast loop on ridge to trail heading southwest along Carr Pond Ridge. It then found the dirt road which led west back to the cars. Circling up, the ratings began as DP/PH showed up via the road. Ratings were influenced by the creative use of the figure 8 trail, the spectacular bruise that was evolving on Amish’s posterior, the ice shiggy and the loss of two on trail. But, the lack of virgin territory, the loss of the only bimbo, and the presence of Basket and Bondo at the beer check was telling. Total: -0.69. Hashit to Flobanger. I'm sure he deserved it. On On On was at Marks/Rosies/JC's/whatever.

On On