Patriot's Hash
Run# 1359
Date: April 15, 2012
The Hares: Oozie and a mystery hare that still remains a mystery.
Location:Patriots Day Hash – April 16th 2012 near the Pan City Grille in Plainville MA near North.Attleboro
Weather: Too hot Too soon
The Pack: Luxury Box, Hairy Krishna, Wee Balls, Assquack, Basket, DOB, Pat My Retard, Oozing, Rusty, Crabby, Butt Plug, WIPOS, Donkey Punch, Pubic Housing, Flounder Pounder, Amish, She Male Man Hashshit- Rusty

Ooozie had thoughtfully sent out an invite for everyone to show up early and enjoy a quick scoop in the Pan City gaff, alas he had not checked the beer menu and all were forced to consume something that is better screwed into a light socket (don’t try that at home).
Following a quick blurb on directions regarding trail marks we headed out with a hare that was carrying a bag of flour that had no more than three ounces of flour in it, he promised no blacktop and many a trail without false marks.
As usual the front runners of DOB, Flounder, Crabby, and She Male Man led the way into the bushes, after that trail became a blur of marks that made no sense. We made it to the beer stop which was only a short distance from the run start, a quick loop around some trees and we were back in the parking lot to see the police cruiser awaiting our return. Apparently, the guy in charge of the bar called the men in blue and told them that a bunch of people had parked their cars in his lot and they ran into the woods. The real question here is, did he really think we were not coming back, had Oozie inferred some sinister actions would occur in the deep dark woods?? The answer was no, the bar keep was merely concerned about the inability of his four customers to find parking in the huge lot, a math issue that almost any one of us could have figured out for him.
The circle was held within the foundation of what could turn out to be a nuclear fallout shelter, there were eee leffen foot high walls surrounding us. It was difficult for any to see where we were, but when we sang the block foundation probably carried the noise to South Attleboro.
The circle continued and dragon practice was once again confirmed. Overall rating for the run was a negative 6.9 because WHO wasn’t there to do the real math.