First Hash of the Year, The Alpaca Hash
Run # 1449
Date Jan 6, 2014
Hare: Ass Quack
Weather: A balmy 36F, and spitting rain on soft mushy snow...perfect conditions!
The Pack: OOzing, WHO, Rusty, Basket, Hole Miner's Daughter, Donkey, Pubic, just AAron, and WIPOS

The start was from the small parking lot on Lafayette Rd for Ryan Park, not to be confused with the two parking locations for Ryan Park on Oak Hill Rd, even if the Donkey 2014 Map indicates otherwise. Prelub beer was supplied by the Hare as we waited for the DFL's to park their cars. The Hare did not seem overly optimistic about the outcum of the trail. He said it would be short, wet and slippery, "just the way Dog Meat likes it", I thought to myself", so he kept offering us beer in a veiled attempt at bribery There would be a beer stop, however, but without Crabby for help it, would surely be shite.
The trail led through the trail baracades and along the old trolly bed. First check had many looking off into the woods, but found nothing as trail continued down the main trunk line. Second check, same as the first, but the tird found flour running out along small foot paths in ankle deep mush. It was a pathetic looking band of vagabonds wandering aimlessly as trail was found then lost and found again. We eventually made our way out to a cove on Belleville Pond, where the Beer Stop was located. It couldn't have been a more perfect picture, until WIPOS's horn was heard off in the distance. The pack was complete, and singing and enjoying the selection of beers was enjoyed by all.
All too soon we were back out on trail. It was short and straight along the trolly bed to the cars. As we approached the parking lot, the smell of burning wood could be smelled. We could see someone in the field off to our right, and we stepped closer. I thought I'd ask if he would like a beer and invite us to his bonfire, but before I could say anything, he said, "Hello Basket." It was Just AAron and it was his farm complete with burning fire, chickens and aalpa (not burning), and the Hares beer cooler. A warm circle was commenced and the Hare got his just reward for a truely shit trail, but perfect location. Just AAron got a DD for inviting the Hash to his home...we know where he and his AAlpaca's live now and he may regret this lapse of mind. It was our first attempt to name him, but in the end, it was decided to try again next week.
When the circle ended we made our way to Oak Avenue Tavern for steaks and beer. They were short on potatoes but the beers were cold and the steak hot. OOzing did a great job on mine, thank you OOzing, and our singing was a bit subdued but a good night overall. Basket