Location: Goddard Park, Warwick, RI
Run #: 1475, The Mother's Milk Hash
Date: July 7, 2014
Hare: Crotch Tiger less her co-hare PG, WHO was breast feeding her new baby
Pack: WHO, WIPOS, Sleeping Booty, Shemale, Hairy, Luxury Box, Pubic Housing, Donkey Punch, OOzing, Just Mike, Just Alex, Async, Bondo, Bondo's dog Buddy and Bondo's really close friend soon to be named Smells Like Fish.
Hashshit: Bondo
Scribe: Basket

It has been some time since the RIH3 has been in this neck o'woods, but that didn't deter Crotchy, as she was going to make this a mammarable event. The pack met at the parking lot for the boat ramp and were surprised to find Async. He's been gone now for a few years, having decided we were not worthy and kept his focus on SCAL Hashes. We really can't blame him too much, as the RIH3 has been a sausage fest, but we have had a surge in bimbos these last few years.

The pack started out promptly at 6:30 across the lot heading westerly past the horse farm. A good check had us fooled for a bit until Donkey found flour along the water's edge and back towards the start. Passing just feet from our cars, we continued, on towards the bathing area, along the tidal marsh and turned inland just before the beach. The pack was strung out like a long snot along the winding paths leading to Sally Rock Point. The B was found just above a trail leading to the beach, where beer and cheesy food was found.

Songs were sung and beer enjoyed as we waded in the refreshing surf. Inquisitive looks were given by the couple in a small power boat as the polished their boat and wondered what this group of strangely dressed wankers were doing drinking in the bay, singing songs and acting rather silly.

Beer was consumed along with snacks and we made our way back to the cars for our circle. Again down by the water, sand flees and horse flies pestered everyone, except for Smart Aleck as he played with Buddy Throwing a stick and generally teasing him as Bondo held tightly to his leash. With one good throw of a stick, Buddy took off running. Bondo had the leash around his drinking hand, and the sudden jolt had him spilling beer all over himself. Making matters worse, he pulled back against the strain, and Buddy, being stronger, pulled Bondo on his ass, sliding along the sand like a player sliding into third base.

When the entertainment ended, we went back to our comments on the Hash. Most enjoyed the trail, beer and snacks, but all enjoyed the entertainment. The Hash was given a positive .69 and Bondo got Hashit for disrupting Hash business. Async received his just desert for deserting the RIH3 for Cali-bimbos, and Smart Aleck for prodding Buddy. The circle completed some went home and other joined us at a local pub for more grub and beer. That's all.