The Bristol Sewer Gas Hash
Run #1677, April 30, 2018
Hare: The Tird in the Beaver
Location: Just Pauli Park, Bristol
Weather: A light rain a-fallin' Present: WHO, WIPOS, Amish, Crotch Tiger, Frosted Fanny, Rusty Just Pat and Shemale Man
Hashit: Basket in absentia

A small but intimate pack gathered in the parking lot for Pauli Park, on Sherry Ave in Bristol. Just Pat was last to arrive just as the Wankers and lovely Bimbo made their way along a wet pavement and into the wet woods. Surprisingly, Basket had not yet made his way to Bristol, more on that later, but his presence would surely be made as the night wore on. Frosted Fanny kept a safe distance from Shemale, as they led the pack to the whiskey stop. Not many songs would be sung this evening, as Basket's absence was sorely felt..more on that later. The trail was thinly made with white flour strewn haphazardly along the way, and WHO made a number of nasty complaints about it. Amish was just happy to be out and about and on his first Hash in a month. A few asked about Basket and The Tird said Basket would not be making it. This would be his first miss since he and Amish were at the Sarawak Rain Forest Kuching, Borneo InterHash in 2010. WHO would complain and say that was untrue, as Basket has had two, count 'em, two operations last year that required general anesthesia and was only present at the Beer Stop and OnOn. I say fuck you WHO. I was there.

Back on trail, Shemale was being his normal ornery cuss, making Frosty and Father Rusty quite uncomfortable. None-the-less, the pack soldiered on, and made its way to the Beer Stop. Again, the pack looked around at what could be the future of the RIH3, save the fact that Frosty Fanny was there. A small group of homo's running/walking/staggering along looking like the pervs they are, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting and venerable. If it weren't for Basket to keep a line of civility, this group of misfits would have surely found their way into someplace fit for the unfit long ago. But I digress.

Out of beer; out of here, as the saying goes and they were off. The circle was formed and ratings given. It was generally agreed that a negative 0.69 was appropriate, but as Basket did not show it was changed to a solid positive zero. Shemale got a DownDown for Backsliding. Frosty and Rusty should have received one too for missing last week due to the inclement weather, but of course nobody but Basket would have thrown that up for discussion. Alas, the award was bestowed on Basket for having priorities other than Hashing.

The pack sojourned over to the Common Pub in Bristol, whereupon Rusty suggested they call Basket to inform him of being the Hashit, and that he was a dollar short for HashCash. Basket was enjoying a beer with his feet up on Dog Meat's shoulders when he pick up the phone, and almost spewed out a mouthful of Torpedo. Dog Meat swallowed a gulping gallon and asked WHO was on the phone. "It's the Hash and they want to know what you've got in you mouth." "Just the best darn guy in Rhode Island", she said, and with that went back to work. The truth was I decided I've had enough of the RIH3 and have decided to enjoy the remaining few years I've got left. "It'll be a cold day in Hell when I run another RIH3 trail", I told Dog Meat, as I put my feet back up and enjoyed my evening. The pack was told Shemale had fleeced Basket in the sale of his daughters house and demanded he cough over some cold cash to settle the bar bill. He protested, as the slimy Wanker he is, and they all sang to Basket over the phone.....Basket cried.