Run #: 1703
Hare: OOzing
Pack: Hamster, Butler, O’Boner, Crotch Tiger, Rusty, Frosted Fanny, Head Hustler, Dr WHO, Basket, PG, Fecal, Eticlit.
Start: Roger Williams National Memorial
Also confusingly marked on the map. Wtf.
Turns out; that was basically the foreshadowing I should have heeded concerning this run.

Arrived at start, after entering deserted parking lot and fearing I had gone to the wrong Roger Williams park. Luckily, spotted Frosted and Hustler exiting their car in their cozy Incredibles costumes.

Encountered the rest of the pack on the other end of the park from where the start was on the map. There was Dracula, Death, Ruby Rod, a Construction Worker, a Unicorn, a Boner, a Wyerlet, the guy from Animal House, a Chicken, and Cyndi Lauper. We milled about for a minute, retrieved IDs, and then the Hare who was dressed as a Chick Magnet gave the signal and we went after the beer.

The pack headed out over the canal to Waterplace park. Scared civilians, and rats, headed back over the canal, by fancy adults in restaurants, up some cobblestones, up a dark glade with rustlings in the underbrush (cats? Large rats? Hybrids? WHO knows. But he’s not telling.)

Across RISD and Brown property we scampered. Ran down Thayer St, couldn’t afford to breathe the air there anymore, and were suddenly the weirdest people there, and so we all fled. Basket received several propositions from passing cars, Fecal was wolf-whistled at, and a grown woman leaned out of the back of a passing SUV to comment in a little girl voice “Trick of Treat”.

We were still the weirdest people on Thayer.
Ran through more of Brown campus, by my first apt in Providence.
Ran by some mansions.
Suddenly there was the Hare on a rental electric bike zipping along without a care in the world ahead of us, still laying trail.
Ran by my third apartment in Providence.
Ran by my second apartment in Providence. Ran by more people attempting to have a nice dinner out. Arrived at the Beer Stop which was Captain Seaweed’s.

Now, something needs to be said of Seaweed’s.
When I first moved to Providence that was the place you went to get knifed over some drugs and drink a terrible beer. No longer.
Turns out, like all gentrification, all the excitement has been wrung out of the place, but the awful beer remains. Despite the tap having some artisanal-looking carved pirate on it, I could swear that we were served Coors. The barkeep was kind (did he feel poorly for having participated in this horrible sham?) and gave us super cheap orange food. And then much better pizza.

Half the pack went outside, the smarter members (which isn’t saying much, I mean we all showed up to a hash) remained indoors in hopes of retaining feeling in our feet.
TV was showing some sort of underwater burial thing, but then switched to the Patriots pregame show, which was deadly dull. Luckily, Juke box was on point.
After some Thriller, Time Warp, and Monster Mash, we finished our scurvy brew and were allowed to leave. I had engaged a sitter to preserve my offspring whilst I sojourned with the unsavory company that is the RI Hash, and also had extensive knowledge of the area (did I mention we’d already passed 3 of the four apartments I’d lived at?), so I ran straight back to the cars. And past the 4th apartment I had in the area. By the looks of it, the place had been renovated and was no longer a den of scum and villainy.

Pity. I ran back to my car, removed the crinoline, skirt, bustier, and silk scarves. Then caught up with the rest of the pack at the circle area, where I was gifted by the universe with the opportunity to pet an adorable Shibu-inu, and enough time to tell them I had to leave before my sitter-meter ran out.

For this act of adult responsibility, I was given Hashit in my absence, which honestly I am fine with, because now I get to rate the run and make all these obnoxious comments from the comfort of my abode, and not while freezing my ass off in a park.

Beer was terrible. Even though free.

Run was a lovely stroll down memory lane to when I didn’t have a car and walked everywhere, often late at night on my way home from work. I would peek into the windows of all those well-off ppl who live between Wickenden and Thayer like a total urchin.

Also, how I never got mugged is a miracle.
Possibly looking like an urchin was the secret.