Run #1704 � Butlers Parent Teacher Conference
November 5, 2018
Hares: The Butler Hit it/Just Pat
Wankers: Donkey Punch, Basket, Crouch Tiger, Wipos, Pussy Galore, Rusty, Frosted Fanny, Head , just the tip, Butt Plug, Dr. Who, Oozing, Hamster, Oliver
Virgin: Just unknown
Hashshit: Donkey Punch?

The Trail started at North Cumberland Middle School. When the hare scouted trail the parking lot was empty, however it just happened to be parent teacher night on Monday so there were thousands of people in the parking lot, looking confused and worried about the group of weirdo's wearing orange in the corner.

At 6:30 - the temperature was 41 with steady rain and extended darkness - perfect hashing weather. The hare who was slow to arrive did not indicate the on-out until almost 6:45 (in which time we could have run two Butt Plug trails).

The pack headed into Ash Swamp trails behind the middle school. As what had been a typical start to the trail Just the tip took off into the woods tearing down the trail at break neck speed with his virgin trailing behind. Less then a minute later we saw him tearing back out of the woods towards the parking lot. Rumor had it he had to replace headlamp batteries. This was the last time they were seen until after the circle

Initially the trail was fine, winding through the familiar trails of Ash Swamp with checks to keep the pack honest. As some point Donkey and Rusty lost the rest of the pack at check and found themselves way out in front (bragging). The trail was poorly marked with very small marks that were being washed off by the rain. After a series of twists and turns Donkey and Rusty found Oozy and Dr. Who whom were short cutting but had gotten lost on their attempt to forgo the trail. Between the 4 of them they were able with some difficulty to find the trail and wind along the Ash Swamp Brook to a series of small bridges to find the hare with PG and Wipos who had completely short cut the trail. Eventually the pack found it's way to the beer stop, however at that point - No Hamster - No Tip - No virgin. The pack sang all the songs and drank all the beer, so it was decided that we should head back to circle up. The out trail again was mostly unmarked and took strange unnecessary turns to return to the back side of the school.

The pack circled hoping that the missing hashers would eventually return. The trail was rated a negative zero and songs were sung. At this point it was after 9:00 so Donkey feeling worried for the missing hashers decided to leave the circle to start the search for Hamster, Oliver, tip and the virgin.

Apparently, the rest of the pack did not have the same empathy as the gave Donkey the hashit for leaving the circle rather then any of the short cutters or lost souls (or Basket or Rusty who for obvious reasons were all more deserving). Hamster was quickly found following the trail backwards and Tip and the virgin decided to run trail twice - because there are no rules in hashing. At this point Basket was now lost looking for Tip, but the pack decided they were hungry and left for the on-in. Donkey did not go to the on-in so it is unclear what happened after that.

Editor's Note: JIT and Virgin were eventually found by the search party. Basket was notified to return as he was out on the Bridge Loop Trail. The sign posts were well marked but few and just as he did 31 years ago, when he joined the RIH3, he lost his way. Calling the Hare he was given directions for the shortest return from the bridge, to cross the field and find Rte 120 and make a right towards the Middle School. Eventually, he was picked up and joined the Wankers at Skeff's Neighborhood Pub. All's well that ends well.