Fecal Lays One in the Snow Run 1721 March 4, 2019
Hare: Fecal Veneer
Location: Roger Williams Park, Providence RI
Weather: Fucking Cold, and getting colder causing a crusty snowy landscape
The Pack: OOzing, Just Pat, Basket, and now the ladies: Pussy Galore, Crotch Tiger, Frosted Fanny and Head Hustler.

It could have been a fantastic Hash. The Hare ordered a foot of snow and daylight temperatures were in the 40's. Perfect for laying flour. Fecal said it was skiable and he discussed his running out of flour and that it'd be a shit-show and sausage fest. OOzing and the Hare were alone in the lot when I pulled up. Then Just Pat arrived and for a while the Sausage Fest label seemed to be real. But then Pussy Galore and Crotch Tiger, arrived and all was well again.

The small pack started out, following footprints, in 5 inches of snow, and light smidgens of flour on trees. We were heading down toward the pond, with OOzing and me on skis. The Hare said it was skiable, but it was terrible. The heat of the day caused the snow to melt, then refreeze causing a crust that was impossible to ski in. This was definitely a snowshoe trail. PG, Crotchy and Just Pat were well prepared for it. As OOzie and I, on skis, gathered speed then fell just short of the thin ice. A familiar voice asked if I was OK. It was Head Hustler. She and Frosty arrived just after we left. They were post-holing, and despite having to break though the snow, they quickly caught us as it was mostly compacted by others, WHO passed earlier in the day.

The trail went to a check where I went left and found nothing. OOzing went straight and found flour going up and down the bridge-way. The steps were too steep, so we all had to stop and remove, then replace, our equipment. HH and FF had none and sprinted ahead of us. On the other side there was some 4 wheel vehicle tracks that were just wide enough for the skiers to gather speed, and OOzing and I caught up with the speedy ladies. The trail continued circumnavigating the pond, with little to no marks to follow. Footprints were everywhere, so that didn't help, but soon an "On On" was heard cuming from the far side. It was the Hare and a promised 'Whiskey Stop'.

I found the Hare standing alone and asked where the whiskey was. He said he'd given it to CT to carry and we'd have to wait for her to arrive. She came in with PG and we enjoyed a blend of Jameson IPA and Stout Whiskey. The Hare offered two options to finish the trail: back the way we came or left around the park adding another mile back to the circle. Only Just Pat considered it, and we were back in those tire tracks sliding past the Temple of Music, then uphill to the road. The trail continued parallel to the snow-cleared roadway, and most took off equipment and followed the street. OOzing and I attempted to stay of skis for a bit more, following deer, boot and ski tracks. After a short while, upon reaching the traffic circle, I took off my skis to cross the road and abandoned skiing OnOn, and followed the rest with feet on pavement. OOzing plodded on.

The Beer Stop was downhill around a small canal. OOzing was last in and attempted to ski down, not knowing about the deep, ice covered, ditch he was headed for. Luckily he did a face plant just feet from disaster. It took him a bit of time to recompose himself, straightened out his spectacles and join us for snacks and a wonderful sampling of beers, including 2 IPA from Alchemist Brewery: Heady Topper and Ouroboros along with others, as good but not quite as exotic.

We started out to the Hare's home, were the Circle commenced. Again, more yummy beer was enjoyed. The Hare received his DownDown and comments were mostly good. I got Hashit. Then we worked our way to the Brass Monkey for yet another beer, including a freebie, as the waitress poured them for us and the bartender mistakenly poured another round. Under $20, good trail and beer, 50% bimbos, snow, shiggy, cold, scenic and fun. WHO would not like this Hash? Thaaaaaats All Folks.