The we’ve done it before and we can do it again hash
Where: Library, Swansea, MA
Hares: Turd the Beaver
Present: Rusty, WIPOS, DonkeyPunch, Pubic Housing, Basket, Who, Just the Tip, PG, Fancy Pants

Weather: pleasant low 40s with a southwesterly breeze dipping into the low 30’s at circle
The Run: #1706? Nope #1723
November 19, 2018? – or March 18, 2018

What did you expect from a Turd run? Hashit: I believe DonkeyPunch for NOT hanging around to NOT complain.

PS: explanation about the arrow where the BN should be: The End

Above is Oozy’s weak write up of basically the same trail that Turd set in November 2018. Here is a summary of both trails – We ran around the trails, the marks were confusing, beer was difficult to find, Donkey got hashit for no apparent reason.

This time Oozy didn’t show up to accept hashit for not hanging around.

Donkeypunch got hashit for putting on pants when the temperature dropped. The hashit ligit should have gone to WIPOS for losing his phone on trail – AGAIN. But he was still wandering around looking for it during circle so what can you do. I am not one to complain.

Lots to complain about but the Swansea trails are always fun to run, temperatures are rising and it was light until almost 7:40. Overall fun trail with ample beer and no Oozy so we gave it a -0.0.

The end