The Panchen Lham Hash
Run #1731, May 13, 2019
Hare: OOzing Sypalitic Dictaphone
Location: The Other Sneech Pond Rd, CUMberland, RI
Weather: I think it was raining a bit
Present: Dr. Who, Rusty, Pussy Galore, Crotch Tiger, The Donkey Punch, Pubic Housing, Wipos, Basket, Hamster and Oliver, Just the Tip, Just Pat
Hashit: Pussy Galore

Panchen Llama Hash - there's 3 different roads, all with the same name, off a major road, with no street signs. Most other motorists are speeding, except for the person directly in front of me. Did I mention no street signs?
Oh right, and it's raining buckets.

So... I got there just in time for the start... If I could have found the start. After looking about in my car. Out of my car.
On the Google Maps.
On the Apple Maps (may it remain cursed with a thousand hells)
In strangers' drive ways.
No start.
No hashers. No cars and then... Butler.
I followed his car for a bit until he figured out that I was following him and I figured out that he was also lost.
Then after some more consultation of the technology, and a few trespassing charges, we finally arrived at the line of Hash Cars indicating that this was the actual correct snippet of Sneech Pond Road, not the other Tree that we'd been looking on. By this point it was pouring rain, and we were about 25 minutes late.
So we jogged off because free beer is free beer.

Tree Minutes into trail, we encountered the Hare. Butler decided to ignore this clear Blessing of Being Closer to Beer, and ran off into the rain to follow the trail.
I followed the Hare, because if I must be a super late Wanker, I shall most certainly be a Cheating Short Cutting Wanker when the opportunity presents itself.
About Tree minutes after that, I'd shortcut once more to the beer, avoiding the soggy Bridge over Muddy Waters. At this point it was raining steadily enough that an open beer swiftly became a can of water.

Beer was consumed. Snacks were consumed before they dissolved in the deluge.
Basket crossed the Bridge of Soggy Branch.
No one else cared to replicate that feat and also short cut like the bastards they are. We returned to the "Start" which was also a former beaver dam.
It was raining still.

I got Hashit for being a cheating, short-cutting genius and getting more snacks than anyone else. I remain unremorseful.
I have no idea who else was there, it was raining too hard to see and frankly, it was a long time ago.