Run # 1748, Sept 9, 2019
The Amish it Head's A-Mazing Run
Where: Exit 6 Big River
Hare - Amish
Hashers - Rusty, Oozing, Crotchy, PG, WIPOS, Just Brad, and myself Just the Tip
Hashit: Just the Tip

Weather: WHO knows

We started running along the road for no reason but to keep us from accidentally finding the out trail. Cutting off the road trail was narrow as we skirted around the edge of a pond. When it opened up the flour led up and over some neat ridges, and almost immediately onto another road crossing. Way too much pavement!

At the road Rusty and I watched the cops race each other at 100 miles an hour while we made like trees. Across the street trail came quickly to some of my favorite mountain biking grounds. Knowing the area I was emboldened to run through an X; and, after finding flour pick up again just past it I didn't see another hasher till the beer stop.

The B was in front of a stone maze that looked like it was straight out of Westworld. The beer was not burried at the center of it though. Instead it was completely covered, in a brush pile, on the other side of a hill, without a clue as to how a lonely hasher would find it.

At the beer stop Oozing instructed us that the Maze was a religious thing. Then he tried to convert us to some cult while chanting and marching around it.

At dusk we sang PG a lovely rendition of hashy birthday before she left early to go home for I assume a more polite version of the tune. Heading back toward circle, trail was largely uneventful. Mostly straight bush whacking with ought but one check on it.

Circle was quick with so few of us. With so few of us none had a good name for the Just Brad, but Rusty made him drink for being a ten timer anyway. The ten timer Just Brad made an interesting Nun joke to get out of circle. This spurred a round of Nun jokes by all. Unfortunately, I kept on joking while we were awarding hashit so here it is.

The rating was probably a positive, but I can't remember