Run #1792: The Indepants Day Hash
Date: July 6, 2020
Where: Chafee Nature Preserve at Rome Point
Hares: Fecal Veneer
Hashers: Basket, WIPOS, Just Pat, Just Lydia, Just the Tip, Oozing, O'Bone'R, Snatch Chat, Rusty, Cracker Jackoff, Fineass, Donkey Punch and Pubic Housing
Hashshit: Basket
Scribe: Basket

The Run: After driving for what seems hours (probably was for Rusty) we came to a small and filled up parking lot. Parking was tricky but we all made it in.

Does Fecal Matter in Chafee Nature Preserve at the In-Dpants Day Hash? You bet your ass it does. The Hare warned us to bring: bug spray, a change of clothes, more beer, more bug spray, and a change of shoes because we were going to get wet.

We started to congregate in and among the packed cars and patheticly pitted parking lot at Chafee Nature Preserve. It's beginning to look like they're tying to discourage folks from parking here. Most parking lots were now being filled with folks trying to get outside as the restrictions put on us do to the Covid-19 pandemic, so we had few other options. We were still restricted to 15, and we were getting very close to that on this Hash. We managed to get in a beer from the Hare's car before starting out just as the last Wankers found parking just as cars vacated the lot.

At just 6:30 we were out on trail, but it wasn't long before it took a turn for the worse. As we left the main trail to water's edge, we passed many civilians coming back from the water, we took a left onto a meandering path that led out to power lines and then back to the main path. As we passed about tree black socks discarded along the way, a mark sent Rusty onto a trail leading west but he found no marks and returned to the trunk line. Whle the rest of the back took a left into the trails leading towards the power lines. Eventually, Rust discovered true trail and led us out from the power lines to water near the sand bar. I thought we'd be swimming to the Beer Stop as high tide was almost upon us. Unfortunately Beer was found on the opposite side of the point, where it was dry and we wet our throats. We played with a dead horseshoe crap, we sang, stacked rocks and threw more than a few into the drink and enjoyed a beer without orange food. I'm sure the Oyster farm didn't mind our noisy antics.

Trail back was a leisurely stroll along the main path to the parking lot, as we counted the socks and false markings. The Circle as formed at our usual spot, where Basket found a, mostly used, roach container. Accusations and compliments were vaired, but WHO decided we had a Positive Zero rating. The Hare was given another DD for Back Sliding and answered the questions (What's the difference between oral and anal sex? What's the best thing about having sex with 29 year olds? What was the last think Tickle Me Elmo got before leaving the factory?) incorrectly. Basket got Hashit. No food other than Orange and we went home. That's All.