Run #1824: We're back at the Monastery AGAIN Hash
Date: Feb 9, 2021
Where: Guess
Hares: Cracker (the Wolfman) Jackoff and Basket
Hashers: Donkey, Pubic Housing, Pussy Galore, Crotch Tiger Hidden Pussy, WIPOS, OOzing Syphilitic Dickdaphone and Just Pat
Hashit: Just Pat

Hash trash:
We knew we were in for a treat with the rarely used Cumberland Monastery! Virgin terrain was promised, confusing suggestions about the need for snowshoes/yak trax/skis were proffered, we were told the beer was 'at the beaver dam' (is this an Eager4Beaver trail?), and a vague warning was given about thin ice. The pack was still filtering in after 6-tirty and weren't away until 6:39. Shameful; might as well be on Boston time.

We mostly followed footprints in the snow as the 'orange' flour was little differentiated from the snow or from what appeared to be ancient marks from the before times. We came upon a beaver dam, but were told it wasn't the right beaver dam. Dejected we soldiered forward until your scribe found the thin ice and promptly crashed through "up to [his] waist" as witnessed by Donkey. Thankfully the water level was well below the ice as actual dampness didn't go above calf high. While Donkey retreated and he and the rest of pack went around, I proceeded to continue following marks - somehow missing the B. Thankfully I didn't get too far before, seeing no followers, I paused and was reeled in to the remaining dregs of the beer stop.

We returned to circle where I finally got a Captain's Daughter. The hare revealed that it was all virgin terrain as no one had hashed on those snowflakes before, impressing none of the hashers. Expect more virgin terrain when the grass grows in the spring. Donkey interrogated the backsliders and managed to completely bungle the questions of Oral vs Anal and the last thing Elmo gets at the factory. Nonetheless, the pack tried to give Hashit to non-present hashers, rejected giving it to Donkey, and gave it to a Just.

Quite a proper cock-up
