Run #1827: OMIT's solo Weetamoo Hash is a Doozie
Date: March 1, 2021
Where: East Lot Weetamoo Woods, Tiverton
Hare: OMIT
Hashers: OOzing, PG, Crotchy, WHO, WIPOS, Rusty, Just Pat, Basket
Hashit: Basket

It's been a while since we've started from here, and it's been a while since we've been anywhere but Lincoln Woods or the Monastery, or something close to the Whyatt soccer fields...but here ya go.

Just the Tip had urgent business that'd keep him away from the start, so OMIT thought she'd give it a go in WHO's back yard. The wind was blowing as I pulled in with WHO and Rusty discussing the results of his latest colonoscopy. Not sure WHO's it was, but it wasn't mine, so I stayed out of either of their ass stories. Soon OOzing, Crotchy, WIPOS, PG, Just Pat, the Hare and Just Alex pulled in to fill the small lot on Lake Rd. With Chalk Talk given at 6-tirdy, we were off and strolling along.

I remember when the Hash was a running group and we'd take off lickety split. I was in the lead of the rest of the pack just behind Rusty (bragging) until the first check. Wait, I got that right, so I was in the actual lead until the second check, Wait, I got that right so I was in the lead until the tird check where I got fucked. Rusty went left and he found the trail. I went straight and ran out of flour. Going back to the start WHO called out a falsie going right, but he continued on just the same. I taught for a minute that I'd follow WHO, as he knows these trails as good as anyone, but I turned around and followed OOzing. and Just Pat following Rusty calling On On.

I must have passed Just Pat 5 times. He's always passing me, but he was a little hungover from his Birthday Hash in Beantown yesterday. Why didn't we make him drink after the trail tonight??? WHO knows. Maybe because he didn't invite us to his B-day Hash at the BTH3 event yesterday.

As OOzing and I were chit chatting along the trail, I said that I thought we'd find WHO at the Beer Stop, Moving further along there was a light in the distance. It was WHO and he was searching for the Beer Stop. He'd travel the trail backwards, but didn't find anything. He and I retraced his footsteps following Rusty and OOzing until they found the B. We searched high and low, and my keen eye spied an orangie/reddish color in a hollowed tree behind some leaves and twigs. I reached behind the shrubbery and found a backpack. I decided to inspect it before letting the other Wankers know I found it. I was remembering how Rusty stole the CD out from under my crotch on a previous Hash. Searching around in the front pocket I pulled out a Captain's Daughter and as WHO was next in he grabbed the other. Taking the bag to the top of the falls, Rusty searched in vain for a CD. But 2 was all there was.. A few songs were sung and snacks were enjoyed as we awaited the rest of the pack to join us.

Last in was the Hare & Just Alex followed by a hobbling WIPOS. The pack was whole once again and we finished our beers and songs, then off to the Circle. Ratings were mostly good, until we discovered Just the Tip was out on trail. We did our best to finish, before he arrived, and gave the Hare a positive 69 for an interesting shiggy filled, rocky, long trail. She sang something about ladies learning how to knit and Rusty had a lot of complaining about help from the peanut gallery. Next Backsliders: OMIT, PG & CT drank and sang "When I was a little girl" just as JtT snuck in under darkness. Then Just Alex was named "Ohhh NO!" you had to be there. Hashit should have gone to the Road Runner JtT for making his late entrance and taking the roadway over trail, or Just Pat for not inviting us to his birthday Hash yesterday, or WHOever. Unfortunately, it fell on me, as Rusty pointed out my (Fake News) Basket's Red Cone Deficiency Problem that disappeared when it came to finding beer. I attempted to sing 'The Cuckoo". OOzing had to correct me, no less. The night was finished with these ubiquitous words from Rusty when discussing the next Hare, "Oh No, WHO's Hare Next Week." That is all from B3.