Run # 1832
When: Apr 5, 2021
The Lost 2 Seater Outhouse Hash
Weather: Not Bad, Sunny with temps slowly going south
Where: Lime Rock Preserve, Lincoln, RI
Hare: Just Pat
Hashers: WIPOS, WHO, Rusty, Pubic Housing, OMIT, Oh No, OOzing and Basket
Hashit: Basket

Our Hare used his RIH3 Hashmas gift to look for a virgin gem in our Rhode Island woods. It seems there was a two seater outhouse listed in his book that was located in the Lime Rock Preserve and he was interested to have his beer stop within smelling distance of it. Unfortunately, the book did not indicate that the shit house has suffered years of abuse and fallen into the leaf litter and no longer stands among the trees of Lincoln. Just Pat was burning grilled cheese sandwiches in the parking lot for anyone looking to pare with a cold beer. WIPOS took advantage, while WHO and Rusty just grabbed a beer. I declined both as I distributed some newly printed HashGear. Soon Pubic and OOzing joined us as we waited for WHO to call 6tirdy. Instructions were given, but I missed it as I was taking care of business. The Hare asked us to place our own beers into the beer bag as he was going to take it to the BS. Rusty, peering inside, spied a Captain's Daughter and sought insurance for getting one at the Beer Stop, then he and WHO placed a few extras in for the Wankers that didn't pay attention.

The trail started out climbing over a trash pile at the south corner of the lot behind Tattoria Romana. It was a few concrete Italian Renaissance pieces that'd seen better days, as well as some slightly used Christmas lights and other litter. It was pretty sketchy for me, but WIPOS was hobbling along with 2 walking poles. OOzing blew by him like a rabbit, almost putting him on his ass.

Unfortunately, I found myself in that position moments later as one of the rocks moved. Rusty almost showed some concern as I extracted myself from the crap.

The trail continued south to a check. I went left and saw the pond below and to my right. Someone called OnOn on the opposite bank. I continued straight thinking I could meet them at the southernmost point of the pond. I crossed the dam, started uphill to the intersection trail and could hear them off in the distance. Looking at the trail map, I continued straight and found myself FRB. All went swimmingly well until the second check, where I'd gone right and found nothing, then left and found a falsie. To my consternation, OOzing was closing in and the chances of my being first to the Beer Stop was slowly slipping away. OOzing found trail leading down the outflow and I was hot on his ass. Just before the culvert OOZing saw the Hare high above us. We couldn't hear shit with the water flowing over the rocks, so I scrambled uphill and found WHO saying the Beer Stop was not there, but the Hare had Whiskey at the dam and beer was downhill somewhere. Not believing him, as I was on trail markings, I continued up to the B and found nothing. Peering over the precipice, I could see Rusty, OOzing, WHO and the Hare enjoying themselves at waters edge, while calling me a dumb shit. I worked my way down and joined them for a wee nippy of West Cork Whiskey.

WIPOS was next in and as we started out for the BS, Pubic joined us. As we neared the top of the hill, where the B was located, the Hare instructed WHO to look along the trail he took going to W. Soon OMIT and Oh No were helping us look for the beer bag. With no luck, WHO and I started back to the top, where we both had been a few times already. It took OOzing to find the Beer and carry it to the scenic overlook.

With the entire pack together again, we enjoyed a beer and orange food. I had to settle for an All Day IPA, as OOzing was first to grab the CD. A few songs were attempted, but it was pathetic. We soon made our way downhill and back to the cars. The Hare pulled out his griddle and started burning grilled cheese sandwiches again and we gave our honest thoughts about the trail. It was mostly good, but WHO found a way to average it down to a negative .69. Backslider Oh No had a DD and I got Hashit for bragging about being FRG....and not getting a Captain's Daughter. All's well as I got one in the end and enjoyed it with the Just Pat Grilled Cheese Sandwich.