The Redmption II Hash #1841
Date: June 7
Hounds: OOzing,Just Pat and Hand Job for Humanity (BH3), Pussy, Crotch Tiger, Cracker JO, Donkey Punch, Pubic Housing, Rusty, Butt Plug and WIPOS.
Hares: Hym Wrng Gye and Basket
Weather: Hot and sticky
Food: Warm and Tasty
Beer: Wet and Cold ...and just in time.

A lovely distance from Beantown, your scribe recalls starting here for a bash organized by Nips&Bleeps - possibly a PooF trail - while being injured enough that bike riding was not personally possible. An auspicious start but nonetheless I brought a RIH3 virgin to trail! We arrived to the delight of full 16oz Captain's Daughters, multiple grills, and a sign telling us to wait here for our camper to be brought to us. Regardless, we bug sprayed up and after a warning about the marks and the multiple hares, we were off. On to pavement. Which went down 50 yards and into the woods and paralleled the road practically back to the start. Where there was a whisk[e]y check - and a confused Basket who brought a bag without whisk[e]y.

After a wee nip, we ventured off into the woods. And rocks. It was dangerous footing! PG and I managed to keep the FRBs in earshot - until we couldn't. And then we lost marks (well, I suppose one can't lose them if they're not there). And couldn't hear pack behind us. We preserved hoping that the witches couldn't take both of us! Suddenly marks reappeared and we were back on trail!

Thankfully, Basket convinced Rogers to trim off some of trail so we got to the beer sooner rather than later. Out trail didn't actually direct out of the woods and looped back to the W but it was dry there so there nothing to do but return to camp for a feast that even topped the Memorial Day campout.
Just Pat (The Butler Hit It)