Run # 1852
When: Aug 23, 2021
Ass Quack and Crabby Lay a Wet One on the Tail of Hurricane Henri
Weather: Most Rainy Hash EVER
Where: Glen Manor, Portsmouth, RI
Hare: Ass Quack and Crabby Shag
Hashers: WIPOS, PG, Just Pat, OOzing, Basket
Hashit: Basket

It could not have been a better setting for a Hash. As I was driving down to the Glen, in a driving rain that almost stopped traffic, I could only think of the night ahead. The forecast said it'd was going to be a 90% chance of rain at 6PM, but it was 100% for most of the Hash. I was parked beside OOzing and WIPOS as the Hares were returning from laying trail. They looked like drowned rats and it would not take long for the rest of us to be the same. Just Pat and Pussy arrived before 6:30 and we were soon off making our way north through the stone wall and then west into the sopping wet fields.

At the next check, the trail went back into the previous field and crossed the next stone wall. It seemed like the Hares were trying to confuse us with so many cut-backs, and it worked on me. I was FRB, then DFL, then MOP and DFL again, as we ran across a small bridge over a raging torrent. This usually is but a trickle, but was now roaring over the rocky bottom. At the next turn OOzing and AQ led JP and I into the storm drain. With the water between mid-calf to mid-thigh it was probably the best water crossing this year, beating Amish's float by a large margin.

We carefully found footing amongst the hidden rocks and waterfalls, fighting off the nasty briar pulling at clothing and bare flesh, until we popped out at the field just west of an abandoned horse stable. From here the trail meandered down towards the bay, as it just skirted private property. Beer was found on a small old stone bridge, overlooking the bay. The rain subsided just a bit as we opened cans of beer, enjoyed orange food and watched a couple boats bobbing in the water, with Fogland Point and Weetamoo Woods off in the distance. Not that we could see much past the boats in the fog, but one could imagine it being there.

After a short time we packed up and started back. It was getting dark with the clouds and light rain, but there was just enough ambient light to see the trail. We circled up in the field just south of the parking lot and gave our comments about the Hash. Most were good, except for Just Pat complained about only one Captain's Daughter at the BS and none at the Circle. WIPOS complained that the trail was too short, although he did run straight to the BS. OOzing very eloquently said it sucked and PG was very lady-like about the whole event. It was rated a positive 69. The Hares drank for their efforts. Next Hashit and although Basket nominated PG for not going through the watery trough. OOzing nominated WIPOS for being WIPOS, and Just Pat was nominated for being....period. Fortunately, it fell on Pussy Galore. Then we travelled to the Public House. We hoped the storm would let up when we went home. We were shit outta luck. It came down in torrents. It was so bad, I could barely make out the lines on the highway most of the way home. One idiot passed me doing well over 70 as I had slowed down to 55. I saw him a bit later in the median between north and south lanes on Rte 195. The car was still running with lights on, but he wasn't going anywhere. It was a great Hash and as Rusty was in Ireland he missed a short drive.
OnOn Basket