Run #1864 OOzing's Hocus Bogus Movie Set Hash or Will Sir Snotty play himself or OOzie in the remake of losing someone on OOzing's Trail #1
Date: Nov 15, 2021
Weather: Dry, Dark and Chilly
Hounds: WIPOS, Rusty, Cracker Jackoff, Basket, O'Bone'r, and a major backslider Sir Snott Twat
Hare: OOzing Syphilitic Dictaphone

Snotty was driving us down to the start of tonight's trail at the Eleazer Arnold House at 487 Great Rd, Lincoln. It was dark, headlights were glaring in our faces and I told him to take a left into the driveway. We pulled up behind the two unfamiliar cars parked behind the 1693 Historic Stone-Ender. I had just suggested this may not be the Hash Start and we should back up. Just then another car pulled into the driveway blocking us in. As I was going to step out to see if it was another Hasher, Snotty said, "Wait. They're backing up". Then we backed out and pulled into the empty lot on the other side of the road, so I could call OOzie. He said we were there and should blink our lights. He was right, it was just on the other side of the building at Gateway Park. Maybe if the Hare gave directions to Gateway Park, we would have all arrived sooner. The car that blocked us in was Rusty.....but I digress!

In the lot, WIPOS, Cracker, Rusty, OOzing, Snotty, O'Bone'r and I chatted as we awaited the 6:30 start. Directions were explained to our Backslider, as it has been a few years, and we were off. The trail led, expectantly, along the Gateway paths to the trailhead up the steps. It was here that Snotty went off alone and was missing for some time. Some wondered if he needed a little self-love time or had to releave himself. The rest of us, including WIPOS worked our way uphill and meandered out to Bernan Drive, then out along the trails to Chase Farm. As Rusty and I reached the open field overlooking the 'brightly lit' Hocus Pocus movie set, a check had us fooled. As I ran down toward the bright lights, OOzing suggested I should go right. (This was a ruse so he could shortcut to the Whiskey.) Soon after entering the field, Rusty found a false trail mark and we turned around to follow the Hare back into the woods and up the stone rise where we've had a Beer Stop or tree previously. As I followed Rusty and Cracker, a lovely Single Malt was opened by Rusty (WHO seemed to have a wee bit of a problem opening up the bottle). Struggling for a few minutes, he eventually figured the complex problem out and it was enjoyed by all present. In addition we had some spicy nuts and chocolates, but Snotty was nowhere to be found. As we finished up and maybe had a second wee nippy, a light was seen off in the distance. Calling him OnOn, Snotty finally arrived and we were all back together again.

With Snotty satisfied with the refreshment and after he regained his breath, we started out. We continued out the back on a small path and then downhill towards the movie set. We were blocked from entering the area by a plastic security fence, meant to keep the vermin out. As we circumvented the obstruction, we found an area of fence had fallen to the ground and I gained access to the soggy field leading to the movie set. As I moved along, I heard OOzing say behind me, "I hope you don't get arrested". I continued on alone into the blinding lights and rustic-looking buildings. After taking a few pics, I retraced my steps and saw lights going into the woods high on the hill. I followed them to the Beer Stop. A few songs were sung and beers and snacks were enjoyed.

The trail back to the cars was shorter and a more direct route to Gateway Park. The Hare was abused for not setting flour into the movie set, almost losing Snotty, and not having directions out for last week's trail before it was taken over by Donkey and Pubic at the 12th hour on Monday. He drank and sang something. Next the Major Backsliding Sir Snot answered only one of the 15 questions correctly (His Name) and proudly showed his UK drivers license with the "Sir" sobriquet before his name and a boring story about being Knighted by a lesser nobleman than Prince William. I stood in for the Wanker, as he's turned into some sort of; last night was a totally different story, and I'm feeling it still. Next up was Hashit, and despite it looking like WIPOS, Cracker and even Snotty should have received it, it fell on my shoulders. I drank and sang "The Red Flag". After Religion, we travelled to The Lodge for a bite and beer before traveling home, tout suite.



