Run #1868 The Preggy Hare Hash or The Mystery of the Missing Marks
Weather: 45F with a mostly clear sky with Shooting Stars
Pack: WIPOS, WHO, Rusty, OOzing, Just Pat and Basket
Hares: Crabby P Shag and Ass D Quack
Hashit: Baseket

It was looking like we'd have plenty of beer on this one as WHO, Rusty, WIPOS and I stood in the dirt lot at the end of Lafayette Road leading into Weetamoo Woods. We wondered where the Hares were, when WHO said they went out to set the Beer Stop an hour ago. We were worried that Crabby (Pregnant) Shag may be out dropping more than beer along the trails of Weetamoo Woods.

At 6:28 CPS came in, completely out of breath, and reported that someone had wiped out the marks from yesterday and she was going to have to reset it live for us. We opted to take a rhody and walk along with her as we sipped on a cold one. She opened the cooler and therein lay 8 Captain's Daughters. I opted for a Stone IPA as this may be a long night. As we chatted and sipped for about 1.2 miles, until we saw the CoHares light in front of us. That in itself was difficult as I've seen brighter matches after the flame went out than what Ass Quack used to navigate in the dark.

Soon the pack (less WIPOS) was together following both Hares to an intersection, where Ass Quack announced the long trail was left and shortcut right. CPS and WHO went right while the rest followed ADQ as he laid flour on the left. AQ's light was even duller than before, so Just Pat offered to trade lights and AQ started running, laying flour as he went on. We followed his marks until we started hitting flour that was not disturbed since laid yesterday. OOzing and Rusty were blazing a trail ahead of JP and I. With JP, holding AQ's dead flashlight, relied on my not so bright headlamp light to navigate among the rocky paths. I called the FRB's to never mind about us in the rear. They obliged and continued running away in the dark as we struggled onward. WIPOS, as usual, was nowhere in sight.

We all gathered together at a check. I went right and hit an X. OOzing went straight then right and found a YBF about a 1/4 mile on. He turned the small pack around and we bumped into WIPOS. By some Christmas Miracle, the check had a freshly marked arrow pointing towards the same trail I found the X on. That check was now erased and changed to an arrow pointing straight ahead...another Miracle. We continued on following fresh flour as it climbed High Rocks. Here we found beer, WHO and CPS. I enjoyed a Captain's, a bag of chips and watched the skies for Shooting Stars. We sang a few songs and waited for WIPOS to join us. As he mounted the ledge, we sang 'the Little Bird'. Rusty was disappointed as he sat on his arse complaining that he didn't see any SSs, because I stood in front of him. Mind you, we were all standing on the top of High Rocks in an area 12x40 ft and he had a problem with my stance....lazy bugger.

The walk back to the cars was about a mile, and this was just enough time to lose WIPOS again. We circled up and gave the Hares an attaboy, for the most part, for the trail, despite most of the marks they claimed to have laid on Sunday were taken by Scrooge. Pathetic or Despicable, you decide. The Hares received a positive .069 drank and sang "The Engineer Song". Next came Hashit and the shoowin should have been Just Pat for giving his light away and relying on Basket to show him the way. Or it could have gone to WHO for short-cutting with the pregnant Hare for a total trail of almost 2 miles, while the rest of us did 5.56 according to WIPOS RIH3_HASH_NOW instagram post. Instead, it fell on me for showing JP the way.

Then OOzing pulled out a large box, wrapped nicely and handed it to me. Singing Happy Birthday as I opened the box to find a nice bottle of a 12yr Jura Single Malt. After sharing it with the pack, WIPOS finally arrived just before religion. With no On-After, we drove home. Driving up 95 the 3 lanes dropped down to one as we neared the Providence Mall and traffic was backed up to the split. Still it was a good Hash and I've got something to have me wee nippy before turning in.