Run 1869 The Trail of LIghts Hash or Jesus can't go hashing because he's stuck behind a rock Hash
Date: Dec 20. 2021
Weather: Crystal Clear like a glass chandelier What a night to share christmas beer
Hounds: Beside the 329 muggles on trail, there was OOzing and Basket and Pussy and 5 Times Relaxed. Then late cummer Urine for Sloppy Seconds made a weak attempt to find the trail.
Hare: Just Pat
Hashit: Basket

As I pulled into the dark side of the Bliss Brothers Creamery parking lot, near the pond, I spied 5x's Relaxed walking about looking for a beer. Just Pat popped out of the darkness and asked if I'd like a beer. We were soon sharing a 2X IPA as OOzing and 5X found her way back to the start. PG was last to arrive and we thought that we'd have enough beer to satisfy the pack.

Rusty was home changing his Granddaughter's dirty ditties and WHO knows where WHO and WIPOS were. Donkey and Pubic were in Covid Protocol and, as this was Hairy and LB's hood and not present, I'm sure they were tending the brood.

JP wrote the direction in orange chalk in an adjacent parking spot and pointed us towards the intersection of Park and Bishop Sts. It was here a Eagle/Turkey split was found. He had advised not taking the T as even he was disappointed in it.

On Trail, PG led us south on Park St to a right into the Hope Garden Nursing Home parking lot. Here the trail meandered left then right and left again before working uphill to the backside of Mt Golgotha. 
I laid flour down these hallowed steps many years ago, while Polly, OOzing and Rusty made the sacarligious descent with me.
Tonight however, the Hare chose to go around the mound and followed along a path that lead to trails behind LaSalette Retreat Center, to a set of trails crossing a few bridges and a wee bit of shiggy. PG led the way and as I followed her OnOn's and light off in the woods, she solved most of the checks before I got there. The pack was somewhere behind me. At one check, I heard her call on, but I was already left of her and on a nice graded track, so I continued straight on with her calling on my right. At the next opportunity to make a right, I found flour and made a left as I wound up in front of her. She was on the other side of a field and I called OnOn. This trail led out to another field and to the Circle of LIghts. After checking left, right and straight, I found no marks and went back to the field, where I met PG coming out of the woods. Just Pat was just behind and told us to stop. An unmarked Beer Stop was found on his back and we enjoyed double IPAs and fancy single serve yuppy snacks. A few songs were sung with OOzing reading Hash Xmas Songs from his phone. Both he and PG went up on the hill to kneel and say a prayer for the Wankers below.

With beers finished, we sashayed our way to the circle of lights and the 329 muggles walking along with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads. OOzing, PG and I lost the pack as the Donkey pen, where OOzing took a pick of the beast of burden. Then we walked through the cave where Jesus lay. As we exited a couple of muggles, going in the wrong direction, met us at the opening and as Christians we stood aside to let them in and view Jesus in his tomb. They said, "Thank you gentleman." as we held the door. PG was not happy with the moniker of male gender, but accepted with aplomb.

We continued to Mt Golgotha and ascended the steps. There was a line of Christrians working their way up and we queued as good Christians would. The sign said they encourage pilgrims to climb the steps on their knees, but we, along with everyone else that evening. trudged uphill in our shiggy boots.At the top, as the Christrians made a left to genuflect at some holy apparitions, we hopped over the stone wall and retraced our steps back to the cars.

Circling up, a large Wanker approached us. It was Uring for Sloppy Seconds and complained that he only saw one mark. His mistake (or maybe the Hare's) was to park directly over the marks the Hare had put on the ground beside his car. Of all the spots, on all the lots, in all the worlds, he had to park over that one. The Hare drank for his most irreverent trail and sang a song of six pence. The late Cumer drank and sang something about the Okinawa Harrietts. Then Hashit popped it's nasty head. OOzing should have received it for doing the circle jerk twice. Urine for not doing anything. Any or all of the 329 muggles for missing the Beer Stop and, well, believing in "You know WHO". It could have gone to WIPOS for being AWOL or Rusty for choosing a dirty ditty for a double IPA, but NOOOOO. Unfortunately, it fell on me again. I drank for seeing the man in the moon over County Street as I drove in, and he was laughing at me. I should have turned around and gone home, but what fun would that have been. We then drove over to Wetherlaines and finished the night...the O Holy Night. Where Rusty and WIPOS were missssssing. It was a night that I hope to soon forget. Amen.