Run# 1872 The First Snow Hash of the Year
Date: Jan 10, 2022
Weather: Does Witches Tit bring anything to mind?
Hounds: Just Pat, OOzing, WIPOS, Pussy Galore and Rusty
Hare: Donkey Punch
Hashit: Pussy Galore

It was a dark and icy night. I was able to grift some Yak-trax from Donkey, little knowing the price I would be paying for this "gift" by the end of trail.

The trail itself was gloriously icy and remote and we nearly all got frostbite in the field where the whiskey was hiding in plain sight. I spent most of the trail at the front of the pack trying not to become Coyote bait for Rusty, who was FRB most of the evening.

The Beer Stop by the derelict farm equipment was the perfect spot for the group of delinquents that the RI Hash usually attracts. Oozing went to sit in the farm equipment for some odd reason, and the snacks and beer were acceptable.

We all stumbled back to the cars in a poorly marked out-trail, and I thought I was going to die because my feet were too numb to know if I was about to trip or not.

At the circle, the entire pack began to fight over a cardboard 12 pack of dubious beer, that was promised to be a wide selection of exotic hoppy deliciousness. I took one look at the box the other hashers were fighting over, and being the only Harriet and therefore the only true box expert on trail, easily discerned that they had no idea what they were doing. Wishing to avoid the Box Violence, I stood back to avoid the whole situation. Also, I can read and do arithmetic and that allowed me to see that the box was not a variety pack, and there was no need to fight over the contents.

The Hare seemed to find my circumspection a source of suspicion. Despite my returning the borrowed Yak-trax to him, my unwillingness to engage in the haphazard scrum over the box (because again, I can read and do basic math) had reminded him that I was not indeed One of Them.

They say to never look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, and also to Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts, to which I would think we must add "Beware the Words of a Donkey Bearing Gifts" because he nominated ME for Hashit and prevailed in bestowing it upon me.

Luckily I was able to thaw my frozen feet on the way home.
On On