Run# 1874 Don't Need Spikes Hash
Date: Jan 24, 2022
Weather: Cold with still some snow but mostly frozen shite in the forest
Hounds: Just Pat, OOzing, WIPOS, Pussy Galore and Donkey Punch
Hare: Hym Wrng Gye
Hashit: Just Pat

Trail started from the auspicious location: Franklin State Forest wherewe had such lovely trails in the past as 6/14/2021 (your scribe was alsohashshit for that hash).

The hare nicely blocked the gate such that it could not be closed on us. But then left the beer there rather than bring it to the parking.

The hare advised that traction control devices were not particularly required despite the slab of sheer ice on the road right next to magical invisible chalk talk. Trail started right into the woods where we previously had the whisk[e]y check but, alas, nothing for the thirsty hashers tonight. Just more large patches of ice.

Marks were plentiful and generally not misleading leaving those who attended 6/14 in happy disbelief. Trail wound its way back towards the highway, found some reportedly virgin pavement, and ended up behind residences for B.

We found our way back to the start and waited for WIPOS to leave his car so we could start circle where we were interrupted by home automation reporting cat feeding or somesuch.

No Captain's Daughter but the new All Day Hazy IPA isn't bad and the split pea soup was the best so far.