Rih3 QR Hash or How to Waste Your Gas.
Hashers: Wipos, Pubic Housing, Donkey Punch, Amish and Just Ralph, Head Hog Hunter, Who, Rusty, Just the Tip
Two Timer: Lost Puppy
Hare: Basket
Rating: -0

TLDR: Rusty rates the trail for way too long, and hide your Captain's Daughters from him. Basket learned to print QR codes, but forgot to bring nearly enough flour.

Held out hope for this QR thing but had serious doubts myself. All doubts were confirmed when we got to the first "check" and there was complete silence. No calling marks, no comradery, no cursing while trudging through shiggy. Nothing but a pack of sad wankers opening and closing car doors taking a photo and checking the internet of all things for where too next. The rest of the QR checks weren't much better. Maybe this would be good for a bike hash or for getting the whole pack to cross a previous portion of flour without having to lay intersecting true trail, but car hashing in RI when the pandemic is all but over... sad. The rest of the trail was marked in flour except for where it wasn't. The hare claims someone erased all his marks that weren't along the beach. Maybe they thought it was anthrax. Maybe if the hare laid some solid clumps they wouldn't have so cleanly been removed. Maybe the hair never put those marks down to begin with. Anyway with no B on trail we all ran past the beer stop only to stand around out of flour till the hare showed up to show us where the B could or would have been if it were not kicked away or was ever even there. Beer was had by all the singing was lovely and the out trail was short. Circle lasted much longer than this right up as Rusty's soliloquies have only gotten longer and Basket had to sing us a five minute song memorializing the nights run to his own glory. At least it also managed to dig Rusty for always going after the Captain's Daughter like a crack addict. All in all Who totaled the ratings of the trail as a negative 0. That's a fair assessment for a car hashing experiment that need not be tried again.

The on in was at the Narragansett where the clam chowder was delicious and Captains Daughter was on tap.
On on,

Since the Hash Trash was almost as short as the trail, I'll add my 2 1/2 cents. O'Bone'r had a list of school duties to keep her from Haring, so Basket came up with another Hare-brained idea of setting trail from his desk using QR Codes. (He wasn't feeling too well at the time) Fortunately, or unfortunately, when he put the plan into practice he wound up laying flour just the same. He Recced on Saturday. Set tail on Sunday and had to do it twice when the Grandkids joined him. (they also laid flour) Then on Monday he had to reset it before running it again with the Hash. (4+ X's) As expected it turned out to be a total shitshow. Some bastard dog walkers decided they didn't like flour on the trails and erased every mark other than what I put along the water or in the tidal marsh.

I posted the QR Codes at 4 locations working down to Fort Getty. At 3pm I was at the start of flour and had to relay the entire trail as some of the marks were blown away by the 40+mph winds and walkers. I finished at 4:30, then drove over to pick up more beer as OOzing said he was stuck in NH and could not make the Hash.

The pack showed up at 6:45 and we enjoyed a wee nippy before starting out along the beach. Some of the marks were either under the rising tide or blown away, but I supplemented them with arrows in the sand. Donkey stood at the first one and complained there were no marks. Sheepishly he followed the pack of Rusty, Just the Tip, Amish and Ralph, Pubic, WHO, Hedgehog Pissa, Lost Puppy and WIPOS after looking down at his feet. Most followed marks through the hole and along the shoreline, traveling up the cliffs and down a few times before exiting at the Fishing Pier at Beaverhead Point. WHO was given a shortcut up high to save his back, but complained when he found no marks. Pathetic!

The trail then went through the marsh at Fox Head Pond. Marks were sparse here, as the low marshland gave little opportunity to place flour, but they popped up along the row of posts lining the Nature Walk.

Beer was found at the seated overlook and because the B, placed just 2 hours previously, was erased, I had to point out the Beer Sack for the blind Bastards.

After enjoying beers and snacks and a few songs, the pack worked its way along the now unmarked trail to the cars. We Circled up on the beach, where beers donated by WHO Donkey, Rusty, Amish and Hedgehog were enjoyed. Basket suffered complaints from all about the lack of marks, despite being victim of the local mark erasers. The Runs was given a negative zero and I sang a new song, 'The QR Code Trail' to the tune of Whiter Shade of Pale. Despite my off-key, flat and often heckled singing, it turned out better than expected. Next, Backsliders Amish and Hedgehog were punished and sang the Wild West Show, Two Timer Lost Puppy had his DD and sang a Deer Tick song. Hashit fell on JtT as there was no second to change the RIH3 Rules to allow the Hare to get it. He sang Good Ship Venus. Then we traveled to the Narragansett Cafe after religion before heading home.

As a supplement to my Donkey Map Trash, a few secretly sent me kudos for the trail: Amish, "Good Job Old Man, Had Fun." Donkey, "Great Trail from Basket - Q% images, dangerous rocks, all the marks kicked out butt didn't lose anyone, origianl song - no OOzing. Highly Rated." Pubic, "shooting star pic.", Rusty sent out other pics too.

In addition, since we (I) have stretched JtT's Hash Trash from a short Donkey comment to a Rusty's Longgg Soliloquy (that was only broken by the light house moving towards the circle, changing to a UFO and finally a slow moving National Guard C-130 flying low overhead), and to answer many requests for the words of the song I wrote...so be it.'

The QR Hash by Basket
To the tune by the late Gary Brooker "Whiter Shade of Pale"

We found the first QR Code
At the NK parking lot
Then we drove across the bridge
To the next one we would stop
At Zeke's it sent us farther Down along the line
And at the childrens playground
We stopped and took our time

And so it wassss later
That Basket told his tale
How a small pack of Wankers
Had followed his QR Trail

At Getty we found flour
Out to the fishing pier
Where we looked all around
For the bag filled up with beer
Then Rusty he got aggressive
As he reached into the sack
To find the Captain's Daughter
He might as well have been on Craic

And so it wassss later
That Basket told his tale
How a small pack of Wankers
Had followed his QR Trail

He said there was no reason
And the truth is plain to see
There was plenty beer for everyone
Still he would not let it be
With 16 cans of IPA's
The selection was quite grand
Still he viciously reached in
And grabbed one with his hand

And so it wassss later
That Basket told his tale
How a small pack of Wankers
Had followed his QR Trail

PH's Basket Song Video