Run 1903 O'Bone'r Farewell Haring for the RIH3
Date: Aug 15, 2022
Weather: Lovely
The Pack: OOzing, Rusty, wHO, Sauta Man, Hym Wrng Gye, WIPOS, Just Pat, Pubic Housing, Beastality Before Boys and Basket
Hare: O'Bone'r

O'Boner's most recent last trail. The RIH3 continues to shed delightful Harriettes. There are many who could be called out for this trainwreck but I don't have enough time and, as you're reading this, you're probably to blame.

Trail started out in the Lodge parking lot. There was one obvious choice to the back which got thoroughly scouted before we ventured out across the road much to the distress of some motorists. We found some Prosecco by the pond where some famous poet got inspiration. We found beer at the building remains (which are now almost completely roofless). We also found a moth that was rather listless and didn't put up much fuss with hashers toying with it. On the way back to circle we ran into some big Rhode Island Reds and someone tried to leave trash. But nonetheless, since your scribe couldn't see the beer right in front of their face ("Who said face?") at B I was elected Hash Sh*t. Unfortunately the actual Hash Sh*t was not present and thus did not go to Burning Man.

On-after at the Lodge

Basket's View:
It's been a good run and she's glad it's over. Mouthfull's brother Bill coulda been a contender, but he dropped the ball early on. O'B has looked north for better prospects and decided to pack it all in and leave little Rhody for good. (you know she'll have second thoughts down the road, but as Rusty said, " she'll miss our arses some day.")

O'B was out finishing up trail as I arrived. OOzing pulled in as I parked in my usual spot. He was parked beside Pubic as she was showing her new electric BMW to Rusty, WHO, Saute Man, and Mr. Rogers. WIPOS could not care less and was off discussing walking sticks with some other old fuck, as Bestality Before Boys pulled in. O'B texted me and said she's setting beer and we would find her on trail.

At 6:30, with no Hare in sight, we searched for flour on the west side of Breakneck Hill Rd. Finding none we wondered aimlessly until someone got smart and looked across the street, where flour led us out on the horseshit laden trails. At the second check, I was left and OOzing called OnOn going right. I stayed the course and worked towards the road, where I found flour heading downhill from the pack. Crossing the road, Rusty and B3 passed me as we followed flour into the hills. We zigged and zagged out to the cave were a bottle of bubbly was found as well the Hare. A few songs were sung and we were soon off again. O'B had to help out a wee bit at one point and allowed me to be FRB again. I found flour leading westerly toward the ball fields, where I was passed by Rusty again. At the private fence, I went right and found nothing, Rusty went left and found flour leading up to the old broken building, where 'B' was found. The pack soon arrived and despite a couple of Captain's being enjoyed by Rusty and OOzie, the Hare said another was near. She had to almost point out the hidden gem atop the windowless structure. A dying Black Swallowtail Butterfly on the stone caught our attention, and despite my attempt to position it for a photo and dropping it multiple times, it seemed to still be moving as we finished up beer.

On In was uphill, crossing Breakneck and going behind the fenced in house where a flock of rhode island red cocks greeted our passing. We circled up in the usual spot and gave the hare her just desserts. The run was rated well and she drank and sang a 'good bye you fucks' ditty. Visitors and Backsliders had their DD and sang. Just Pat was Hashit. After Religion we we into The Lodge and drank a fare-the-well to O'Bone'r.