Run # 1910
Date: October 3, 2022
Weather: despite the forecast of overcast but dry, Hurricane IAN was pulling some moisture off the Atlantic, but just a wee bit as we travelled on trail Pack: PG, Rusty, Santay, WIPOS, WHO, Just the Tip, Just Sara, Just Pat, Ass Quack and Basket
Hare: Barely Manbelow

Barely finally fulfilled his promise to lay flour for the RIH3 many years ago. He set a trail from his Grandmother's house on Calvert Place, Jamestown, if we looked at the map, it was clear we'd be hitting the golf course just beyond the property line. This was supposed to be virgin territory, but I believe Tinker touched some of the 'off road' bits early on. Ass Q was last in and a long discussion about: how long the trail would be, when the Narragansett kitchen would close, a list of strange marks that may or may not be found on the trail and other bullshit extended well past 6:30. Still, we enjoyed a beer.

The Hare took off at 6:38 and asked for a 10 minute head start as he was laying it live. After a long 6 minutes and finishing up our drinks, we were off following flour on the pavement. This had to be the biggest clusterfuck ever, the roads just seemed to be intersecting and doubling back on the previous check. PG, WIPOS and I kept running into each other as we circle-jerked around. At one point, Just the Tip and Just Sarah joined me at an intersection. They travelled towards the water and Newport bridge, while I kept trying to find a way onto the golf course. PG found me as darkness fell and we did eventually find a way on the links by going through the Conanicut Yacht Club Tennis parking lot.

We took a right and travelled easterly and found no marks. If we had looked at our maps, we would have seen we were passing just beyond Barley's property. We then went west and south looking for flour. Finding none, we worked our way out to North Rd and made a right onto Whittier, where we continued our previously hopeless search for flour. Meanwhile, WIPOS sent me a text of the Whiskey Check, but by now they were long gone. At the intersection of Prudence  and Bryer, I shortcut it back to the start. PG continued her search. As I was alone, I decided to work my way towards the water where a text from Just Pat indicated I would find the pack. At Bay View, I decided I'd gone far enough, turned around and went back to the start. PG was just getting in as I arrived and she said she had enough, so she left and offered a negative 69 for her trail rating. As I was charging my phone in my car, the Hare popped up and put an arrow towards the back of his house, where the Beer Stop would be found.

Everyone but WIPOS was enjoying a beer, just beside the fence that PG and I had passed 1 1/2 hours ago. It was decided that we should commence the Circle as the Narragansett would be closing the kitchen soon. The comments were mostly bad. The trail went to a Whiskey stop under the bridge, then moved to another whiskey stop before the nature preserve, then crossed over the golf course with no marks to the B. Marely was scolded by the golfers the day before and he decided he would not mark this bit of trail. The water's edge bit was a slippy/slidey dangerous trek between the two Kentucky Bourbon Stops. Had he not zigzagged around the streets and went to the water, everyone would have made it. As it was almost 5 miles, he could have shortened it, but he did say he was setting a Shitty Oregon Trail.

OOzing got Hashit (I think), we had religion and travelled to the Narragansett for more food and beers.