Date: 11/7/2022
Weather: 70's very warm at 5 with temps dropping to 40's by the circle, full moon a'risin' giving a lovely glow off the shiggy pit... than nobody but the hare got into
Pack: Just Pat, WHO, WIPOS, OOzing, Rusty, Pussy Galore and Mr. R
Hare: Basket covering for the very lame Just the Tip

A humid as fark morning turned into a lovely afternoon until it got dark around 5pm. Write your representatives. What was originally proffered as a Tip trail turned into a Basket trail. Basket complained of almost dying on his 7 (6.9?) mi trek to lay the beer. Most hashers got under 2 and your scribe got 2.5. Your scribe arrived at almost exactly 6:30 and we were out promptly. Onto the pavement.

After a half mile of casino/modern churchfare architecture views while pounding pavement we ascended up towards a water tower for some W and a great view of security patrolling us. Here was a split of walkers and hashers and the brave few descended towards trail/security. Your scribe has no knowledge of the wankers trail but the trail through the woods was just as the Tip would have loved to bound through. Largely well marked until we lost marks but were saved by the cries of the walkers leading us to beer and around Basket's real shiggy 'pit'(?). The walkers took all the Capt Daughters and deserve to be punished for such.

Circle was fast - so fast WIPOS couldn't find it and such that your scribe, Just Pat, got Hash Shit without even turning around. 8:00 sharp ending.
On-after Thirsty Beaver.

Basket's Tale
Friday night at 10pm, I made the mistake of texting JtT to see if he was all set to lay trail on Monday. He said he'd sprained his ankle and wondered if I'd cover. First Mistake: I said yes. I was too busy on Saturday to do anything, but think about where I'd set trail, so the complainers wouldn't complain (too much). I've been looking at the Citizens Bank Complex and thought that'd be fun and different, Second Mistake. Just as I finished posting the start location on the RIH3 website at Saturday afternoon, I got a FB notice that PG had complained that there was nothing posted for Monday. I update the RIH3FB page and continued working around the house. After climbing Sunday morning with Booty, I drove over to the start with a bag of flour and high hopes. We haven't Hashed here since the state stopped the offroaders from using the sandpits just north of the Baptist Church and years before Citizens made their appearance. The trails were overgrown long ago and even before the sun set, it was difficult to find where the trail ended and the bush started. Add leaves to the mix and I was sure the darkness would make the trail almost impossible.

The trail followed a northerly direction from the parking lot, leaning towards Rte 295, and taking the best options around trees, rocks and shrubbery. Eventually, I popped out on the pipeline and continued into the trails of the Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Refuge. I almost reached Rte 44, when I turned westerly then southerthly, crossing a couple nice bridges, finishing back on the powerlines. Here a shiggy pit, 40 foot or more completely covdered the PL trail. I had my daugherter's dog with me and Margot struggled to get through the bush on either side of the swamp. Eventually, we made it to high ground and took the power line back in the dark. I was out of flour and decided I should set an easier trail for the next day, as we're accumualting more walkers with canes than runners.

At 4pm Monday, I was back with the beer, snacks, whiskey and more flour. I set a chalk trail from the parking area, crossing a few more lots and buildings and up to the Water Tower. The trail I set yesterday started from this area, so then I ran back to my truck. I packed up the beer and whiskey and layed flour up the pipeline, to the water tower. Here, I dropped off the Whiskey and continued laying the walker's trail. Darkness started to fall as I arrived at the shiggy pit and dropped off the beer before heading back to the start.

Mr.R and Rusty were first to arrive at 6'ish. WHO, PG and WIPOS were next and finally Just Pat. At 6:30 the pack was off, and easily followed the well marked trail to the W. After a song or twa, PG, WIPOS and Just Pat looked for the start of the 'runners trail' (it was impossible to run on this unless you were a 4 legged animal), while the rest of the pack followed my direction on the pipeline trail, It didn't take much for Rusty to decided to follow the walkers, as his injury and a promise of getting a Captain's Daugher would have been greatly increased. We could hear the runners off to our right as we walked the mile or so to the beer. As we were waiting for them to pop out just below us in the shiggy, their lights shown brighly through the trees, and they shortcut to our location after hearing our complaints of their shortcutting.

Enjoying beer and snacks, we started our way back to the start. The Circle beer was found under a tarp along with a pallet of rock salt. JP grabbed a Captain's after complaining that the Walkers should have left them for the runners at B. The Run was generally rated well and averaged a negative 6.9. Mr. R drank for Backsliding and Just Pat got Hashit. We then travelled to the Eager Beaver before heading home.