Run #1916 November 14, 2022
Weather: Cold and dry
Pack: WHO, Basket, Rusty, Just Pat, Ass Quack and Zepplin, Pubic Housing, Pussy Galore, Amish and Ralph, WIPOS
Hare: Just the Tip
Hashit: Just Pat AKA anything he likes to call himself... we have a few of our own names for him but that's another story

Your scribe isn't terribly familiar with Ryan Park as it's a pain to get to from the Northlands so this trail drew my interest despite JTT being the hare. I was quickly dispelled of my eagerness by marks that managed to lose pack right after the start. Thankfully trail never really got far from itself but still managed to also lose Basket who opted to explore pavement (and not correct his mismarking of a check).

Trail was marked by nonsense like steep slippery slopes and some good spots like a ridge. The territory was largely confined to what seems to be the worst parts of the park. Distance did not even hit 3 miles (Strava recorded 2.73 mi). I got hash shit for some forgotten reason and still have it weeks later as we've been on road tour:

See the RIH3 Hashit abused by JP here

On-after was West Passage Brewing company
Just Pat/The Buttler Hit It/The Cocksmith(/Mrs Dopefire)

Basket's Take on this one:
I pulled into the small parking lot for Ryan Park on Oak Hill, and parked beside WIPOS. WHO and Rusty were already here and it wasn't long before Amish and Ralph, Pubic Housing sans Donkey, Ass Quack and Zeppelin and Just Pat made their way in. Just before 6:30 the Hare arrived after finishing up the trail. Directions were given and we were off. PG would arrive after we started out.

Trail started out northerly from the small lot. At the first check, true trail was found leaving the old trolley bed and going left towards Rte 4. I stayed on the rail bed and soon found an arrow pointing back towards the direction I just came from. The Hare joined me after he said he'd dropped off the beer. Evidently, the beer stop would be found very close to the cars, so I don't know why I continued going in the opposite direction. Amish and Ralph were off to my left, along a parallel trail, so at the next opportunity, I joined them, bushwhacking through briars and downed trees. At the next check, we were both back on the rail bed again, following the pack of JP, AQ and PG as they led us into a maze of trails. It was a difficult check to clear, and I followed 2 marks out to Lafayette Rd, but turned back after not finding #3.

Meanwhile, AQ was not far to my left, and I backtracked to join him, as PG and JP took alternate routes. I was confused as we started hitting flour again, and AQ said he thought I was on the trail again. It wasn't very long before the entire pack was at the Whiskey Stop, where a 14 year Single Malt was paired with a Grand Marnier, along the northern edge of Bellville Pond.

A few sips and songs later, we were in search of Beer. The trail led south on trails just off the pond, where PG and AQ found the B. Most of the pack was up on a ridge, so PG with Zeppelin, and AQ with the beer bag and I fought our way through the briars to the rest of the pack. I got a 16oz Captain's and we sang a few songs, before taking the short hike back to the cars and Circle. The run was rated good, but WHO found it to be too high and gave it a negative 69. The Hare drank and sang. Next Amish was Backslider and drank and sang, the Hashit went to Just Pat. After religion, we traveled to West Passage Brewing before heading home.