Run #1919 The View from Rocky Point Hash
Date: December 5, 2022
Weather: Warm December, clear but no shooting stars or submarines
Pack: OOzing, Basket, Just Pat, Just the Tip, Just Sarah and co-worker virgin, Rusty, WIPOS, WHO, Crabby Shag, and a visit by Crotch Tiger and Just Madelyn asleep in the car
Hare: Pussy Galore

The start was from the small lot at 1 Rocky Point Avenue. WHO, WIPOS, Hym Wrong Gye and I enjoyed a beer that WHO had left over from last week's Hash. There was no Captain's FYI, but there were no complaints. Rusty, Just Pat, OOzing and Just Sarah with her friend, and Crotch Tiger arrived next as they joined the growing circle in the lot. As we waited for the Hare to arrive, a few disappointed and unfulfilled copulators pulled in and just as quickly left when spotting us standing in our orange hoodies. Soon the rest of the pack arrived as PG silently pulled in. Crabby Shag would join us on trail as she hit traffic in Providence. At 6:28, PG explained the marks, and at the proper time, we were off. CT left the party, but the remaining Wankers took a right towards the main lot following flour down Rocky Point Avenue. At the main parking lot, a Check fooled everyone. Lights could be seen in all directions. I took a right across the field but found nothing. This, according to the Hare, was the correct direction and I should have seen flour at the edge of the field. I turned back and followed Hym Wrng Gye down the paved road to the Handicap Parking Area. Not finding flour I went left along the paved road and continued along the rocky shoreline, following Rusty. He took a left uphill, as I worked along the rocky shoreline. It must have been close to high tide, as my feet started getting wet in the sandy slosh between the rocks.

A trail to my left led me to a clusterfuck of Wankers looking for flour and mostly complaining at the lack of it. PG would complain that we were all off trail and missed her Circle Jerk at the field. OOzing called "OnOn", and a small group of us were following his trail along a narrow cut in the thick brush. PG would later say this was the OnIn trail, but what did we know?

We popped out into a field near a power line or old amusiment construction and at the next check, we were fucked again. I approached a rock that looked climbable, and tried to make my way up the face, when OOzing called "OnOn" at the top. I jumped down and found the trail behind him. At a clearing just past the crest, Just the Tip, Just Sarah, Just Pat and I'm sure another just or two, were found floundering about looking for more flour. It was Rusty WHO found it along the road, and I followed him to Ogden Avenue. A resident asked me if there was a problem. I could have said it was a lack of flour, but told him of our quest to follow the trail to beer. At the next intersection, Rusty took a right on Ridge Rd to Surf Rd where a 'B' was found. For the next 10 minutes, Rusty, Just Pat and I searched for the Beer, as the Hare said it'd be close. Neighbors, dogs and a complaining cat protested our running around like burglars with our headlamps shining into all the windows.

Rusty then spotted a small dabble of flour by a fire pit and just in front of a cooler. Without hesitation, nor concern for the homeowners, he opened it and found beer. He and I grabbed a Captain's and soon the hungry horde started to arrive. Just Pat complained, as he always does, of the lack of flour. The problem is, if you're off trail, there ain't none there. PERIOD!

Last Hound in was WIPOS (surprise) as the Hare told him a shortcut, but did not speak in WIPOneeSe, followed by the Hare. She had her panties in a bunch about some of the complaints she heard from the Wankers. I'd have thought she's heard too much from this band of miscontents that it would have just been ignored. Still, she could have had the homeowner start the fire for us. The homeowner popped out to recognize the disturbance on his front lawn and even brought his little daughter to say hello. We sang an Itsy Bitsy Spider and she ran away with a face full of disappointment.

From the Beer Stop, Rusty could see a bridge and thought it may be the Newport. There were no submarines in the bay and despite a clear sky, with an almost full Cold Moon, no shooting stars were observed. While traveling back, we noticed that it was the Jamestown and the Newport bridges were spotted just around the next turn.

The trail back was not terribly long, and we found ourselves back at the cars. Circling up, the ratings were surprisingly high, despite the volumes of complaints heard earlier. I think the Hare complaining that they shortcutted the Circle Jerk had a positive effect on the rating. That and Just Pat having a fear of being pummeled by the Hare for complaining, made everything alright. The Hashit was bestowed upon the least worth, meself, and then we travelled to Picasso's Pizza to finish the evening.