Hash Trash Run 1921
Donkey Punch and Pubic Housing bring Santa Claus to the Hash
Hares: DP and PH
Hashit: Just the Tip
Hares: Just Pat, Wipos, PG, Basket, Who, Oozing, Rusty, New Millennial Butt Eating Ambassador, Other Visitor?

Before the start it was a cold evening in the highland industrial park Cumberland, but the hashers were excited to wander over hill and dale in a seldom used location. At the start the hare gave some instructions about a parking lot to keep our voices down in, and a tree down and fence… I don’t know it was confusing but apparently some hashers were able to decipher that riddle later.

Trail itself began by tucking into the woods inside the industrial park and following a powerline easement through a wet low land and up a hill. At the top of the of the hill we found the first check and. after two wrong ways were scouted. true trail was eventually found to the right. The first few checks like this were hard to clear and kept the pack mostly close together. Eventually we found a check near a parking lot and no more marks in the woods after it. Remembering the hare’s instructions many of us looked across the parking lot but still found nothing. Eventually the hare arrived and showed us that true trail made nearly a 180 to find a tree down over a fence, where we were met to cross over.

Most of the hash crossed the fence here and with the hare’s help found our way through some other parking complexes and into the woods. Back into the woods there was one check and then Donkey punch waiting at a Turkey Eagle Split. Myself and New Millennial took the Eagle (big mistake). Eventually we found the turkeys at the beer after running 5 miles and clearing many checks. We had time to sing many songs while the last of the Eagles filtered in with PG and Just Pat bringing up the rear. PG and Just Pat let everyone know that their quietness in the parking lot when the hare showed the way over the fence had left them stranded out of earshot. Aimlessly they searched without finding flour until they eventually found the tree over the fence and remembering the hare’s riddle crossed to find flour once again.

The out trail was excellent in that it was short but still got us wet crossing back through the wet lowlands along the powerlines. At circle Santa Claus arrived and rewarded the hashes miscreants with delicious Irish Cream. The ratings were mostly positive but there was one negative to keep the sign from flipping and so Who calculated/assigned the trail a positive 6.9. After ratings it looked like Rusty would get hashit until I opened my mouth and announced that Basket had pushed me into the swamp soaking my sneakers. This immediately met with a raucous outcry for me to receive the hashit. We then travelled to Adelines Speakeasy, but found the kitchen closed.
