Hash: #1943 PG gets up and personal with the Cranston Landfill
Date: May 22, 2023
Pack: Rusty, Mr R, Just Pat, Saute Man, Basket, Crotch Tiger and baby Mad, WIPOS, Hairy, and a couple visitors from Boston H3
Hare: Pussy Galore with a little help from Basket
Weather: Perfect as the wind was blowing away from the landfill
Location: Wood Lake Park Ball Fields
Hashit: Just Pat

Trail derections were a little complicated as there were lat long but the link went to the general area but no specific target. Nonetheless the description was adequate although it was still a challenge to find the correct part of the parking lot. Your scribe would have thought the dog park in the way back was appropriate but and equally adequate corner was eventually found. Trail started almost promptly but at the call of 6:30 a proxy for the hare did chalk talk. And then we promptly went towards the dog park. We continued through/around one of the children's ball games (which hopefully did not violate anyone's probation) despite some nice shiggy to cut the corner and avoid disrupting the muggles.

Trail promptly went towards a beautiful out cropping:
Which did not have whiskey.

Trail continued on through the land of stone walls and a couple water crossings (at shockingly the perfect water volume) to the actual whiskey. Which was at a camp fire in view of the water (see also: Chocoura) but not at the water. Pack barely found the whiskey despite photo hints/evidence. It advertised smoky peat and grouse and delivered on both.

On-on led to some of the more tricky parts of trail and eventually your scribe came upon some obvious short-cutters hunting for delicious nectar. There were fits and starts and misses of some hash worthy spaces:

We came upon what can only be a group of shortcutters advertising the B and wandering through briars. Basket eventually found the stash based on photo evidence of the whiskey check and where your scribe and Oozing had scoped out but not diligently enough.

The quest for the Capt'n's Daughter resulted in tragedy with a breached sidewall of the can. Tears were spilt and it was the biggest loss of the evening until Oozing lost barrels of beer trying to set up a garbage sac. The mosquitos were young and fresh and vicious. The hare finally showed up.

The path back was mostly marked but somehow we only survived by technology. Except Hairy and Mr Rogers who went off on a dalliance and delayed circle. There were bones, visitors, backsliders, and yoots that did hair pulling. Your scribe was once again nominated because no one else wants to do the write up (and the accidental damage to the Daughter).

There was a proffered temporary hashshit as the hopes of getting the regular one back is slim as the RIH3 wankers seem to want to keep it for their personal pleasure.

On-after Village Tavern where they were calling for more songs as your scribe beat a hasty retreat while dreaming of pies.

The hareline ends on 6/19 so enjoy the RIH3 while it lasts.

go here JP's pics