Hash #1955
Dr. WHO has once again found virgin territory in Masshole
Weather: 80s, humid, sunset at 7:46pm
Date: August 14th, 2023
Location: Swansea Public Library
Hashers: Cracker, Basket, Rusty, Oozing, Mr Rogers, Just Pat, Wipos, Just Emmi, Sauté Man and a visitor from ?
Hare: Dr. Who
Hashit: Just Emmi

It was a warm and humid day in the hours leading up to the hash. Cracker and I arrived at the parking lot behind the Swansea Free Public library at around 6:20. When we joined the group, Dr. Who was explaining the chalk marks to the virgin and said that “some hares will put the beer just beyond false trails, but not this trail, this trail we should listen when a trail is false”. At 6:30, we started on trail.

The trail had many checks and inclines. There was pavement. There was shiggy. There was whiskey by the water. At one point, mr Rogers crossed the dam trying to find true trail. At another, it appeared that all three trails at a check were false trails. This was the longest hash I have done with the RI hash. Finally, we made it to the beer stop and several of us looked for the beer bag. Cracker found the beer and it was like rabid dogs watching the hashes get to the Captains Daughter. In the end, Cracker and Oozing got the captains daughter. Sauté man barely made it to the whiskey stop and did not make it to the beer.

Turns out, the beer was very close to a false trail and the out trail back to the cars wasn’t long. Circle was quite buggy and it was dark by the time we wrapped up. Rusty did the math and calculated the trail as a bad negative 1 because Dr. Who was growing agitated with all the positive reviews. After Dr Who sang, Basket questioned the virgin and then Rusty and Basket sang the pubic hair song to her. When it was the virgins turn to sing or tell a joke, she did happy birthday. Wipos got hashit last week so he then went into the circle and nominated sauté man and Mr Rogers. It was looking like sauté man was going to get hashit, but at the last moment Rusty nominated me for complaining about being sore from a road race and the hashers agreed in unison. Who would have thought hashers were so against other forms of running...
The End. Just Emm