Run# 1966
Date 29 October, 2023
Weather: Surprise, the rain stopped just before the start and kept off until after the OnOn
Start Location: The corner of Broadway and Rhode Island Ave downtown Newport
Hash Theme: Rusty's got the Holloweenie.
Pack: the 3 Little Pigs- Basket, WHO and Rusty, Chip on His Shoulder- OOzing, Medieval Peasant- PG, Swamp Animal- Blue Job, Cat and Mouse- Crotchy and Madelyn, Sexy Nun- Crabby Shag, Xray Man- Just Brian, Shark- Just Catherine, Monk- Chicken Man Eh, Gay Super Hero- Amish, Mountain Climber- Just the Tip
Hare: Rusty
Hashit: OOzing

An assembly of strange looking Hashers arrived streetside by the Newport Hospital. The 3 little piggies stood alone for some time, enjoying a beer, to many strange looks of passersby, until the pack suddenly grew as 6:30 neared. Chalk talk included the normal X's and O's, a W and B, and a CB3. All marks were in a bright chalk on the terrible pavement, however, the bright chalk did not carry onto the trail, as one little piggy marked the trail in pale pink or black chalk, and it was more invisible than not.

At the appropriate time, the pack crossed Broadway and started a zig zag, circuitous route working down to the waterfront. It was almost impossible for someone to not to go off in the wrong direction and pull a large majority of the pack with them. The invisible marks let us astray again and again. The smart ones of the group would hang back to see if the Hare would follow. Many-a-time, the pack would come back to only to find an arrow pointing in another direction. Once making a circle jerk around an entire block to the previous check, where a new mark heading us off in a different direction to the park, where Whiskey was found.

A few songs were sung here and it wasn't until later that we realized there were no snacks, despite PG bringing white chocolate oreos. Unfortunately, our Hare promptly put into his car instead of his backpack. Despite that, it was a good W. A muggle dressed in what looked like a witch outfit sat nearby, tapped her toes and sang quietly along with us.

And just like that, we were back on trail, winding our way again along the streets in south end of Aquidneck. The twists and turns eventually led towards a familiar pub and it was at the Fastnet that Rusty proclaimed this would be the Beer Stop, Circle and OnOn. All grabbed a pint of something and the Beer Stop was formed in the back, where the neighbors could enjoy our singing. After a bit of singing, a few grabbed a second round, and Rusty stood in the circle singing, "The Monks of St Bernard", our call to Circle.

Comments were varied but all complained of pavement, invisible marks and even more pavement. An average of negative .69 was expected and accepted by the Hare, as he sang, "The Frenchman." Backsliders, then Treetimers and finally the Virgin was subjected to the Hash Inquisition. Hashit fell on OOzing. We forgot to name best dressed, but I think we all agree that the 3 Little RIH3 Piggies won best group, with the cute little cat and mouse coming in a close second. I'd vote for the Sexy Nun for the best single outfit. Once Swing Low was finished, we went inside and enjoyed food and beer until we got tired of waiting for the fries to join the bowl of curry, and then we went home.