Run# 1973
Date 18 Decwember, 2023
Weather: Surprise, the rain stopped just before the start and kept off until after the OnOn
Start Location: Weetamoo Woods, Tiverton
Hare: Ass Quack and Crabby Shag
Pack: Rusty, OOzing, Just Pat, Hym Wrong Guy, 12 Times Relaxed, Just Brian, Just Catherine, WIPOS, Butt Plug and Just Phoebe, Flexi, AQ and Basket.

The storm's wind and rain eased just in time for a hike out to a nice outcropping with wheat beer (ugh) and nice skies. And no Rusty. And still no Rusty. And then we gave up and went back to the cars. Without an out trail marked. Which was generally OK as it was basically a buttplug trail. I got to an intersection and was checking the map for shortcut advice which is when Rusty caught up with me. He later informed us that he blew through an early false with no success. And then went back to the cars. And then up to the beer check but we hadn't left any beer for him.

Circle was prompt enough (your scribe got hashit for leaning on a car) but we had wasted so much time that we missed local establishments' kitchen hours. We were able to get some good food at St James Pub in Fall River.

Just Pat....That's it?
No comments about the increasing depth of shiggy the lower we traveled along the trail?. No comments about the slippery bridgework, with shiggy on both ends?? No commments about sliding down the slippery rocky ledge on our arses??? Wheat Beer???? I had a Captain's Daughter.

I'm glad you and Rusty had some quiet time, but how he missed the Beer Stop and still beat us into the Circle, beats the hell outa me.