Run #1990
Date: April 15, 2024
The Tax Day Hash
Hare: Rusty
Hashers: Cracker, Blue Job Lips, Rusty, Basket, Oozing, Dr WHO, PG, Wipos, Amish, Just Barbara, and Just Willie
Hash shit: Cracker
Scribe: Blue Job Lips

Cracker and Blue Job Lips arrived at 6:20 to find Rusty, Dr Who, Oozing, wipos, just Barbara (?), other person (? Don’t know their name), and Amish were already there. At chalk talk, we were warned that two hazards were on trail marked with a delta. At 6:31, we were off and the trail started on a gravel access road. Soon we approached a flooded road and for over 40 meters we trudged through knee deep water. Blue Job Lips was the first to arrive on land and with that, the whiskey stop! Not all of us made it though. Basket and Wipos were left behind.

After imbibing in whiskey, we started off again and shortly went off trail into shiggy. It was thorny, it was thick, it was wet and swampy. It was absolutely terrible. After what seemed like miles, the hashers made it out. A few true trail arrows pointed us up to a hill where we saw a BN and then a B a bit further on.

Eventually everyone made it to the beer stop, including PG who arrived late and found Basket lost in the woods. At the beer stop, Rusty gave us more details about the final hazard on trail. He said the first hasher walking back will be the sacrifice and if they don’t follow the flour marks exactly that they may break a leg. When Rusty and Amish followed trail back, the rest of the hashers had self preservation instincts and continued on the road to the cars.

At the beer circle, comments were both negative and positive with DR WHo calculating a -6.9 for the trail. PG brought beer to share with the hashers and we all sipped on the huge can. For hashshit, Oozing nominated Cracker for believing his whistle was bird noises. Basket was nominated for getting lost and PG was nominated for following basket. Cracker was voted the hashshit and the hashers headed to the family sports center for the on after.