
Run # 562 March 10, 1997

Hare: Basket Boom Boom

Hashit:: ?

by  Flaccid Member

The shortest and bloodiest run of the year could have been the weakest as well were it not for a homestretch bit of stinking shiggy and a frigid river ford. The Harriers - Little Neck, Short Peck, Hopeless and your scribe pro tempore, Flaccid Member - went on-out from Burrillville Middle School after allowing Basket Boom Boom five minutes to do his live-hare thing.

Through the woods and along the tracks of a miniature railroad we wankers went with FRB Hopeless failing to call the hounds On-On. Through bullbriar primeval tore three stooges with Little Neck at the head of the pathetic pursuit pack. Meanwhile, the FRB had snagged the hapless hare but Hopeless remained voiceless, all but abandoning his bretheren. The wankers in the woods deserved to be there as they mindlessly followed the hare. Your faithful scribe pro tempore was especially stupid: Flaccid was running with with Short Peck. As they passed the corner of his street, Short Peck predicted that the hare - his father - would set the beer stop on the porch of their home about a half-mile up the street. Good sense should have led Flaccid to take the short cut and stay dry. Instead, he and Short Peck followed Little Neck through the thorny bullbriar, into the shiggy, and across the crotch-deep river which was cold enough to keep the Harriers hopping as they turned into sopranos. After the beer stop the hounds packed themselves like circus clowns into Basket's car and rode on in with the hare farting all they way. In the Circle, everyone had a turn with the pisspot for a variety of offensive behavior. Grinders, pizza, pilsner and ale followed in Basket's kitchen.

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