Snot Sets Run of the Week!!

Run # 576 June 16, 1997

Hare: Snot

Hashit:: Oozing

by  Snot

The setting was in East Greenwich with directions being absolutely perfect, any complainers should take their cars to the dealer for an mileometer check, a hot evening with expectations running high for the attendees which included Basket Boom Boom, Beyond Hope, Async, Oozing, Bondo, Jake, Shine On (Boston), a new boot Frank and yours truly.

The run set off with the first check outwitting Basket (not difficult), soon to follow onto some new trail for the RIH3. For once hardly anybody guessed the right trail on many of the early checks. The trail led onto tarmac with everybody except our Bimbo and new boot taking the right hand check. Soon followed by another check which Async almost got right but got frightened away by a small dog-whimp. The true trail led up through a small holding to a check which this time Async got right. Onto again new trail for about a mile or so before coming up to a housing estate where unless you were in the mob or were a drug dealer you could not afford to live in this particular area.

Finally hitting the beer check with fine beer on hand which we very nearly could not find. Our Master of ceremonies Basket was in fine voice with Shine On giving her own female rendition having orgasms as she went. After listening to Shine On’s voice perhaps a more appropriate name would be “Strangled Cat with a Dildo up it’s rear end”. The on out up the thorny hill was difficult to find due to the singing of Shine On putting my ears out of balance. However we eventually came back on track with a large check again fooling the pack before leading through an overgrown field.

The final part of this run was in honor of Basket after leaving me to drown in the North Smithfield bog, this is the best shiggy East Greenwich has to offer and Oozing did actually get up to his knees in shit and I believe everybody had different color running shoes by the time the vehicles were reached. Overall I would say a great run which kept the whole pack together, but there again I am slightly biased.

The circle up and On-On was held this week in my pool, with outstanding marks given for the quality of the run with a mark of 6.9 x 10 to the minus 69. New boots Frank fitted in quite well not being able to answer the three standard questions at first attempt, but wanted to come back for another try. Hashshit award was finally taken away from Oozing in a flood of tears and after releasing his grip on the worshipped bag it was awarded to Bondo for perpetual whining. The Hashshit did actually make the pool go a funny color or was it everybody taking a piss? On-On was the Mrs. Snot curry which is now famous on the RIH3 circuit, we hope the red rings were burning next day for those of you that had the hot stuff! Beer as always good with contributions from Bondo’s home brew-many thanks. Another East Greenwich success and I believe a good time had by all.


Snot (51st Run in RI)

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