The Saint Paddy's Day Hash

Run # 615 March 16, 1998

Hare: Basket Boom Boom

by:   Basket Boom Boom

Pack:  Basket, Async, Oozing, Dave and Bondo Jovi

The Start:   Primrose Fire Station, North Smithfield

Primrose Fire Station, North Smithfield was the choice for tonight’s hash.  By the time Basket arrive from setting the beer stop, hounds Bondo, Jake and Async were scouting out flour, while Dave and Oozing were trying to keep warm by pacing the rear lot looking for a free beer.  Basket gave all a shot of Irish Whiskey to warm the cockles then pointed out the start. Amid Bondo’s cry’s of “I knew we were going up to the Woonsocket Hill Tower, we crossed Rte 5 into a new bird sanctuary.  Moments later, tail between his legs, Bondo replies, “Oh, I guess we are going into a new area.”
Shiggy wasn’t readily available at the start, but in time all things would cum.  Following trail, the hounds made their way over hill and dale, and eventually found flour leading to the power lines.  It was at this point, Bondo falling far behind, left the pack and went straight uphill on the power lines looking for beer at the top.  The rest of the pack followed trail into a swamp, now slightly firming up in the frozen night air, and out again onto dry land for only a short time.  Back into another swamp soon after left no feet dry or warm.  Oozing didn’t mind, as his sprained ankle, numbed by the frozen water, felt much better.
Async in the lead kept calling back to the hare many terms of affection, as he fell knee deep in frozen muck.
The trail led through a back yard, crossing Rte 5 again, and straight uphill.  Eventually winding our way to the tower.  Bondo was right, but nowhere in sight.  Basket by this time had recovered the beer bag cleverly hidden along the trail, and followed the pack back downhill to the waiting Beer Stop.  Bondo had short cut to the beer stop, but couldn’t enjoy his success, because the beer hadn’t arrived yet.  We found him searching in every scrub brush and behind every rock.  When the bag was finally opened curses of “Fuck You Asshole” were repeated towards the hare.
On In was downhill straight to the Fire Station, and a circle would be formed at Basket’s house.  Down Downs were given to the hare (Basket), shortcutter (Bondo), hashit (Oozing), Asshole T.F.N. (newly named Dave), last weeks homophobic (Async), and then additional DD’s for assorted offenses, real or imagined.  Then we enjoyed a great Corned Beef and Cabbage Irish dinner…farts enough for everyone.

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