Fort Barton Hash

Run # 786 June 4, 2001

Hare:   Slasher Dr Who

Scribe:  Oozing

Where:   Fort Barton, Tiverton

The WeatherLow 70's, cloudy

Present: Async, Bondo, WIPOS, Oozing, Donna, Rob, Boober, Evelyn and K9's
Jake and Ben

Absent: Basket( tho' not missed), Shine On, AltarEd(?where art thou),Tinker
and Baxter.

Well the run started duly at 630pm with d'erections and promises from the hare mostly for the benefit of his running friends that the run would be short (they're obviously accustomed to his dubious ways), and the pack set off up towards the fort and eastwards into the forest, going thru a couple of checks with little difficulty except for Async who recalled his youthful days as a boy scout being buggered by the older scouts at a certain stream/falls towards which he instinctively ran and was not heard of for a while.

 The rest of the pack ran behind Bondo (experienced in short cutting) and yours truly, on trail that stayed in the lovely forest over streams with wooden bridges and little shiggy (so far) and unto the first beer check. The pack crossed the stream and enjoyed the beer as Bondo first peed into the stream then jumped into it and played with himself for awhile. Off in the not too far distance were heard gunshots and we feared Async and Ben may be straying onto private property but soon after the two appeared both with mysterious smiles on their faces and Ben bumming everyone for a fag. 

The pack then set off again N'eastwards back onto trail and this time many a trail led to shiggy with the nefarious hare leading the way on false trails with ten marks before a cross mark. Oozing unwittingly led the pack into two such shiggy trails and the women vowed never to follow him even if he did have a cute bum. Async by this time was well onto the second beer check and the pack soon joined him across another rocky stream and more beer. 

The woods were truly lovely and it was a perfect eve and the mosquitoes thought so too and soon drove the pack out and back onto trail with more false checks soon onto trail that led back to the start. However soon Yours truly ventured off onto the trail that led to the first beer check and in exasperation off trail and discovered what potential this run could have had: more shiggy, briars, briars and did I say briars? All cut up I ended up drifting towards the sounds of singing(or what sounded like...) and came upon the pack that were well into the circle and appointed the hashit to me, for I can only imagine, for being such a great hasher. 

The comments I missed but I doubt the rating was above zero. The circle on top of the lookout with the blazing red sunset over the bay was pretty amazing tho'. ONON was at the A-One pizza place on 81N, and who could beat $4 individual pizzas with six toppings and Bass? Too bad for the RedSox, but if only they were a RI team....ONON. 


Oozing SD.