WIPOS East Providence Shiggy Stroll

Run #922, Dec 15, 2003


Location: Playground on Rt 114, East Providence

Weather: 30's, Clear

Present: Async, Dr WHO, Basket Boom Boom, Bondo Jovi, Oozing SD, SESYB. And the damned dogs.

The Run:

First, let's make one thing clear: there was NO RUN. The trail was a clockwise loop, 0.69 miles in length and even Dr WHO could not break a sweat. But the hare's a wank, and if exposure to toxic waste is a criterion for a 'good" hash, then this one probably qualified. Trail left the ice covered playing fields east and south and bushwhacked through bushes and brambles to the Ten Mile River, which was easily crossed without moistening anything (even SESYB) a few yards above the flour markings. Trail meandered southward back and forth through some marsh and garbage collections, but the hares footprints in the snow led easily to the beer check at a cellar foundation filled with rusting appliances and tires. After a few beers from a somewhat bizarre selection of the worst that Magic Hat has to offer, the on out trail led west on a gas pipeline to Rt 114, and thence north back to the cars. Pathetic. And this makes it sound considerably better than it was.
Circling up was accomplished in a field of ice near the cars.

Ratings: -6.9

Hashit: Dr WHO, for no reason whatsoever (except no doubt to hear one of his new and innovative songs).

On On