Dr WHO’s School of Bog Hashing

Run #937, March 29, 2004

Hare: Dr WHO

Weather: Mid-30’s, Clear

Location: Hill-Roberts Elementary School, Attleboro, MA

Present: Async, Bondo Jovi, Basket Boom Boom, WIPOS, Seamus, Jake, and Ben. Latecummer: Fuwangi Boner.

The Run:

Starting from the School, the trail led back out Roy Avenue to a check which had Async, Basket and WIPOS all going into the woods in various wrong directions. Bondo finally picked up the flour in a patch of refuse and slime (his natural habitat) heading northeast into a nature preserve. After a few stream crossings, and a few boggy areas the trail came out to Hope Ave., and turned right back in to a loop trail with double checks. Async got it this time and crossed the Seven Mile River, leading the way into a bog/briar bushwhack that ended up in the Newell Cemetery.

After blaspheming and desecrating for a while, they crossed onto Read St. where a check sent them into the Attleboro Water supply at Orr’s Pond. Trail led southeast through the fields, across a bog and uphill to a “CB 4” which satisfyingly was not discovered by Basket until all had sloshed through the muck. Back they went, re- crossing the bog. They turned east towards the sounds of gunfire. Apparently, this is what there is to do in Attleboro on Monday nights. Being somewhat nervous about this unseen target practice, they let Bondo take the lead. Unfortunately, the trail turned south before anyone got winged.

Fortunately, the trail led to another and more extensive bog. The hare tried to follow WIPOS as he leapt across one small stream, and ended up losing a shoe in 14” of mud. While digging it out he could not give any hints, so when he caught up to the pack, they were confusedly looking for trail on a gas pipeline. The hare thoughtfully directed Async and Bondo down a long northeast falsie. Basket had taken the wrong turn by instinct and was headed southwest back to the first bog. WIPOS tried to follow the hare, who led straight across the pipeline to the trail on a winding path through some old tire dumps and poison ivy. Eventually they came out at the power line along Rt 95, where they found the Beer Check. The stragglers caught up and they all had some beer.

On In led southwest on the power lines, through a small bog. They came out through a new home construction site, and turned south on Read St. Trail then led west through a neighborhood, following chalk marks that even the hare could not see. Luckily this stopped them all from wasting time on a few unnecessary checks that they all blew past. The path back to the cars was discovered when they encountered a bewildered Fuwangi, who, arriving late, had tried to back track. He was foiled again by the hare’s incompetence.

They circled up behind the Little Red Schoolhouse. Ratings were favorable naturally: multiple bogs, disorientation of Async, no Oozing, gunfire on trail. Total: 6.9! Hashit stayed with SESYB because she wasn’t there to defend herself. On On On was at Weatherlane’s on County St. Another brilliant effort by the bad Dr.

On On