Lost City Hash

Run #938, April 5, 2004

Hare: Basket Boom Boom

Weather, Mid-to-Low 30’s, Clear, Full Moon arisin’.

Location: Smithfield

Present: Bondo Jovi, The Slasher Dr WHO, Fuwangi Boner, SESYB, Tinker, WIPOS, Seamus, Ben.

The Run:

The fabled Hanton City, the “Lost City” of Smithfield, RI was the site for the first daylight hash of 2004. The ruins of this difficult-to-find town are reputedly haunted. It was transiently populated by runaway slaves in the early 1800’s, and few now know of its existence. But the uneasy spirits of these vengeful slaves still walk the lands. Their favorite activity is apparently to misdirect the unwary. It is said that some who find the Lost City are never seen again. A perfect spot for a hash, and a perfect hare for the job. No one could doubt that this would be a memorable screw-up.

The hash started from a leveled lot (the former Tina’s?) opposite the Comfort Inn on Rt 7 in Smithfield. The small group initially consisted of the hare, Bondo, WHO, Fuwangi, and SESYB. They were soon cheered by the return of Tinker, coinciding no doubt with the first hash not requiring flashlights. After some Bondo brew or a sip of Trinity Stout from the hare, they turned into the woods.

Directed by the hare, no marks were seen for some time as they bushwhacked northeast past a collapsed shack to a dark and swampy area where trail was finally picked up. But the hare soon managed to lose it again along with the rest. There were deer tracks and a few poor paths though, and they made their way finally out to a gas pipeline. The hare directed the group west and sent Tinker east. No marks were seen yet.

WHO led to a five-way intersection with the pipeline, the Hanton City Trail, and another path. He continued straight towards the powerlines. Fuwangi turned northwest. SESYB tried south. But Bondo discovered a few marks which actually led west through a fence. The group came back together on a dirt road with another check. Little did they know, they were in the middle of the Lost City!

To the south, a water tower could be seen, raising hopes for a beer check. But the true trail was northwest on the Rand Aldrich Trail. Marks soon turned north, and they found themselves bushwhacking again. And the marks were lost again. But as trail curved around to the east, they were all together apart from Tinker. Mysteriously, someone was behind them signaling with shouts and whistles.

Continuing the curve, they turned south and hit the gas pipeline, where at the top of a hill, they found the “B”. But no Tinker. The hare was perplexed as he admitted to giving the semi-prosthetic hasher inside information regarding the BC. But after a few minutes, a bedraggled Tinker emerged from the trail behind them. Apparently, Tinker had halted his search of the pipelines a few yards shy of the “B”, and had become lost trying to follow some distant and haunting sounds of Negro spiritual songs through the woods. Luckily, before he was too far lost, he picked up the scent of Bondo. He turned onto the trail, made easy to follow now with the damaged underbrush caused by the passage of Dr WHO.

On in trail returned west on the pipeline. Fuwangi and WHO lead, trying with little success to avoid the large pools of mud and water in the dips along the trail. It was getting dark but there was still really no need for flashlights. There were no marks to be seen, anyways. They returned to the five-way intersection, where the hare had instructed them to turn left. They were back on the Hanton City trail, and clearly headed south to Rt 7. WHO and Fuwangi were fortunate to be leading, because they turned towards the sounds of cars and came out to Rt 7 on Lydia Ann Rd. The hare led the rest off into some woods by Rt 116, lost again.

When they all gathered again at the cars, it was noticed that a new car was present: the WIPOS-mobile. A prolonged discussion about responsibilities, dangers, opportunities and cab-fare ensued. But just as the hare was preparing to make his way back to the Lost City, a sheepish WIPOS emerged from the ruins of the shack, claiming to have tried valiantly to find the trail. It seemed more likely that he had just stepped into the shack for a little nap.

They circled and rated the run. No Async, no Oozing, lost trail, shiggy, it looked good for the hare at first. But the return of WIPOS resulted in substantial downgrading, and he received a 0.69. Hashit to SESYB, because she had it already. The circle ended with Swing Low, just as the Smithfield Police swung into the parking area to investigate the gathering. They had received several calls about paranormal activity in the area. They were quickly reassured and convinced when Bondo and Tinker explained that they were athletes in a running club. The on on on was of course at Parente’s. Dr WHO got lost driving there.

On On